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"EVANNA", Hermione whispered , tapping the girl's shoulder , as the Ravenclaw in question had her head bent over a book

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"EVANNA", Hermione whispered , tapping the girl's shoulder , as the Ravenclaw in question had her head bent over a book. Looking rather irate , she looked up to meet Hermione's warm , caramel eyes.

The air in the library was still , the spectral silence accentuated by the echo of the chair as the bushy haired Gryffindor pulled it , and the rustle of the pages that Evanna turned. Evanna's claret hued jumper , tucked into light trousers gleamed in the autumn sunlight that invaded the spacious room through the stained glass windows. Linen curtains swayed with the oncoming zephyr that blended into the vellichor emanating from the shelves of books , and Evanna sat watching as the sunlight illuminated Hermione's tense brows.

Twiddling with her thumbs , the Gryffindor cleared her throat.

Evanna had known she was being watched the moment she had entered the safe haven housing books. She had been aware of the three pairs of watchful eyes set upon her being as she had weaved her way through the mahogany shelves.

Through her peripheral gaze , she could see a mop of jet black hair , and a ginger-haired Gryffindor watching their interaction from a few tables away , occasionally fumbling with books to appear oblivious.

Evanna was aware that whatever Hermione was about to reveal was vital information. Which was a sign that the Golden Trio trusted her just enough. Hermione produced her chestnut wand from the pocket of her scarlet-hemmed robes , giving it a slight flick - enveloping the duo seated at the table with sparks of vermillion , signifying the casting of the silencing charm.

"Evanna you are aware that Umbridge is hardly teaching any proper defensive magic , yes ?", Hermione began finally. Evanna dropped the quill from her fingers , leaning forward onto the table , her chin resting nonchalantly on her palm as she eyed the girl in front of her.

"I do. And so what ?"

"Well , we were thinking of forming a - a sort of a defense magic group. Harry is well versed in Defense Against the Dark Arts , and we have decided to form an affiliation of students who believe that You-Know-Who is back and wish to refine their magical capabilities. We heard that you believe that You-Know-Who is back as well , so we wanted for you to join the group", Hermione finished with a slight pant , catching her breath as her irises patiently scanned Evanna's cerulean ones.

For quite some time , Hermione had had suspicions regarding the enigmatic girl. Her doubts had first surfaced when Harry had returned one night , quite late , to the Gryffindor Common Room in a seeming daze. For days after he had repeated the words like a religious chant ,"Extremely similar to Tom Riddle."

Who was similar to Tom Riddle ? She had scoured the library , where she found answers to most questions - but none this time around. Yet , a vague inscription she had found embedded on an old , fraying yellow page of a genealogy book had provided a riveting piece of information.

The Frey and Gaunt families were tied.

So , could it possibly be that Evanna was related to Tom Riddle ? The Tom Riddle who had morphed into a monster , who had transformed into something so feral that the devil itself failed to compete ; and Evanna seemed so saint like in comparison , that even the witch had an arduous time believing what was seemingly the truth.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now