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                                                          15nth July , 1993

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                                                          15nth July , 1993

"Success , of any kind , is incomplete without pain. Bleed , Evanna , only pain provides perfection."

Her mother's words echoed , bouncing off the wavy marble panels and resounding in her ears. Evanna tried to squirm , only to be met by the disappointed gaze of her mother's.

"The more you struggle , the more it tightens", Lyra spoke , tone an embodiment of the glaciers of the north - waving her hand towards her daughter , as the magical binds wormed themselves around Evanna's body even tighter.

"Is this how you will escape in the future ?"

"P-please", Evanna choked , the ropes coiling around her neck at a torturously slow pace.

"No", Her mother blatantly refused. "And if you utter a single spell , you know what happens. Use your mind only , Evanna."

"I- I can't", She begged , but she knew it was useless. Tears did not spill from her eyes , but her bones burned with fear - and perhaps , a drop of rage that would only grow over the years.

"Do it , Ana", Her mother mocked , a malevolent smile on her lips , as she waved her hand - the coils tightening around Evanna , drawing the last of her breath , out of her lungs as she gasped for air.

"Isn't this what that boy used to call you ? Where is he now , hmm ?", Lyra continued - inching closer to her daughter as a sneer made it's way onto her regal features.

"It would be too bad , if he suddenly disappeared - wouldn't it ? He is not sore on the eyes , intelligent too - besides , Lucius is a good friend", Her mother tutted , before a gleam of success appeared in her eyes , as Evanna immediately broke free of the ropes that had previously circled her.

The marks of the coils marred her pearlescent skin , red scars that stretched relentlessly across her neck and her arms. Evanna collapsed on her knees , panting for breath and drawing air into her lungs as selfishly as possible. She could not bring herself to meet her mother's gaze , but saw Lyra's pointed , elegant shoes approaching her.

"That boy will be the end of you , you wretched child" , Lyra whispered softly , spite quite audible in her clipped voice , and she whirled around on her heels , but not before delivering a kick to Evanna's stomach.


MELANOID darkness enshrouded her form , as she traversed through the torch-lit corridors , the colour of her robes as dark as the starless sky above the castle on the moors. Her mahogany hair spilled onto her shoulder , her cheekbones refined and her form almost frail and pale as the paper moon , depicting how severely her health had deteriorated. There was no rose tint to her cheeks , just a determined fire blazing in her blue-lit irises. Her pocket felt heavy , consisting of the special version of the Marauders Map she had created , as well as a velvet box.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now