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                                                         9th December , 1992 

Whispers of the monster were abysmal in the tepid wind , trepidation inching into youthful hearts before stealing away the drops of molten sunshine that had graced their ignorant days. Now it was hushed whispers , and an early escapade to the safety of their respective dormitories. No one knew what the beast was or how it looked for the matter , except it petrified people - more specifically , muggle-borns and half-bloods.

Hogwarts was being haunted by what had happened fifty years ago , the dangers inevitable as history repeated itself once forth. 

The purebloods , on the contrary , basked through the hallways as though everything was ordinary. Well , the foolish lot of them. The rest of the students who donned emerald remained cautious in their endeavours.

On the 9nth of December , Evanna had been seated on an armchair by the hearth inside the Ravenclaw Common Room - everyone a safe distance away from her , as she silently read a book ; when a third year clambered into the room , appearance dishevelled. The third year was named Mirella Smith , a muggle-born. Mirella's once carefully braided golden hair was out of place , and her put-together robes appeared to be wrinkled , face streaked with glistening tears.

Her semblance radiated anger and sadness , and she seemed to search the room as all fell silent - before Mirella's rage filled retinas finally landed upon a quiet Evanna. The latter looked up , brows wrinkling in faux confusion.

Mirella huffed ,  before stalking closer to the second-year - hands curling around Evanna's collar as she harshly pulled the girl up. Mirella's face was only inches away from Evanna's , the former's grip tightening around Evanna's collar , as she gritted out ,"Where is my sister ?"

Evanna's passive , unafraid expression morphed into one of horror , as she said ,"D-did something happen to her ?"

"Where is she ?", Mirella yelled.

"Maya had Herbology this morning , after which she said she wanted to visit the library - so I left her a-alone", Evanna stuttered , the traces of tears gracing the corners of her innocent eyes.

"No ! It is you , Frey. I told Maya to stay away from you", Mirella continued. "You caused this !"

"I don't- I don't understand. What happened to her ?", Evanna pressed , her tone betraying some urgency in it.

Before Mirella could raise her temper any further - the doors to the Ravenclaw Common Room burst open to reveal Professor Flitwick , rushing in to calm Mirella.

"Miss Smith ! Put down Miss Frey at once !", Professor Flitwick squeaked , pulling his wand out to break them apart.

"No Professor , it is her. This freak is the reason my sister is missing", Mirella gritted out - before dropping Evanna's collar. Mirella's knees collapsed , as she fell to the floor , kneeling as she buried her face into her hands , weeping her heart out.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now