The Apology

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The next morning the four boys sat on the front porch waiting for Pete and Lori. They were dressed in dress pants, collared shirts, and ties for church.

Jack tugged at his black tie as he said "I hate wearing ties."

Ricky who was wearing a plain red tie and a white shirt thought that he was glad his parents did not make them dress up for evening service as well. He was also glad that his dad stop making them wear suit jackets. They were always hot and uncomfortable and made him miserable. "Same here."

He then thought of his Uncle Jamie's tie that had comic book characters on it. He would not mind wearing that one though.

"I like wearing ties." Dawson said.

"You would." Mickey said shooting him a look of disgust.

Dawson shrugged "What's wrong with liking to wear ties?"

"Nothing." Ricky said.

"Yeah nothing if you are complete weirdo." Mickey said.

"Mickey stop it." Ricky said shooting his brother an impatient look.

Mickey was about to say something when they heard a voice say "Hey guys."

They turned to see Red junior standing by the porch. He gave them nervous looks as they said hi. Guilt ate at him as he thought how his dad treated them. The threats that he made against them and what he did to poor Dawson and what he almost did to Jack.

"How is Scarlet?" Jack said with concern in his voice. An image of her running from her dad went through his mind again.

"She's okay." Red junior said with a small smile. "She spent last night at a friend's house."

An uncomfortable feeling passed through Ricky as he hoped that it was not a male friend's house. He then looked at Red junior and could tell that he shared that sentiment. But for different reasons of course.

"She should be back later today." Red junior said. He just hoped that his dad was calmed down by then. A part of him thought that she needed to stay away for a couple of days for her own safety. "You guys going to church?"

"Yeah." Dawson said.

Ricky then asked "You want to come?"

Red junior gave them an awkward look as he said "Thanks for invite but I got plans." He thought how his mom only made him go to church on Christmas and Easter. And on Thanksgiving on rare occasions, but he was glad that it did not happen often. Not that he minded church but it was not something that he was really interested in.

"I just want apologize for my dad." Red junior said and he watched as the four boys grew uncomfortable. He then thought maybe his dad should go to church. Maybe he would learn how to treat people better.

"You don't owe us an apology." Ricky said.

"Your dad on the..." Mickey tried to say but was cut off from a kick by Jack. He scowled at Jack thinking he was lucky his parents were nearby.

"Yes he does." Red junior said. He then shook his head. "But don't expect to ever get one."

"We don't." Ricky thought.

The door then opened and Rose stepped onto the porch. "Red please come inside honey."

"I better go." He then looked at his mother. "Coming mom." He then looked back at them as he said "See you guys." Red junior hurried across the lawn and ran up to the porch. His mother rubbed the back of his head as he went into the house. She gave the boys a guilty look and then disappeared into the house.

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