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Chapter 6

Two weeks had passed since I first got here. I would be lying if I said I was okay. My hair was thinner than it had ever been before. It was quite depressing for me. I was going to cut it after I meet Eleanor and Perrie.

They planned on coming today, which I'm pretty excited for. I was kind of worried though. They were supposed to be here an hour ago, but they haven't showed up. 

I could tell I was getting weaker, by just the movements I make. I haven't started the throwing up yet, but they warned me it will be coming soon.

"Hun, you need to calm down; your heart rate is going up," Selena, one of my nurses, scolded while coming in the door.

I knew I was panicking, but I didn't want anyone else to know that. I breathed in heavily, trying to calm down my breathing rate.

"I know; I just want them to get here," I sighed aloud, tears pricking at my eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt a rush of sickness. Selena saw and ran into the bathroom to grab a trash can. I luckily threw up inside it, but it was red. My heart sped up again, messing up the monitor. I looked over to Selena.

"It's normal; don't worry," Selena frowns, trying to reassure me.

I nod, shortly after throwing up in it again. She made sure I was okay before leaving. It was difficult, dealing with the injections and IV's. if I was lucky, they would give me a pill instead.

The entire day, I sat in the hospital bed, waiting for them to show up. It was nearly ten pm and I was done waiting. I knew they weren't coming, but couldn't they have told me something?

I grab my iPhone from the bedside table, sending a text to Liam. We both had gotten really close over the last two weeks. All of us did, but I was the closest to Liam and Louis.

'Where in the world are you?' I send a quick message to Liam.

After a minute, I get a reply. It's not from Liam though; Louis texted me back. I raised my eyebrows, wondering why he would text me instead.

'Hey, sorry we couldn't make it today. We've been busy.' That was the only thing that was sent.

I plop down on the bed, wincing in pain. I just hope this sick to my stomach feeling goes away. With that in my mind, I fall asleep.


"Hey sweetie, I think it would be best if you cut your hair today," Selena came in early, waking me up.

I let out a tired groan, rubbing my eyes. I was still too tired; couldn't they let a girl have some sleep? Once I let out a yawn and realized what was happening, I gave her a look.

I really didn't want to cut all my hair off; I would look ugly. I'm not saying that anyone who does do it is; just me. Plus the girls would think badly of me; I really didn't want to do it.

"Do I have to?" I whine like a child, letting out a soft sigh.

She lets out a short laugh, "It would be best, yes," she gives me a half smile.

I pout, giving her puppy dog eyes. She shakes her head, pursing her lips, "I'll be right back with the scissors and a buzzer."

She left before I could protest against it. Guess I was losing my hair today. I sulked in silence, wishing I would suddenly disappear.

"I'm back," she sung, giving me a wink.

I leaned against the bed as hard as I possibly could. She made noises at me, rolling her eyes. I was tempted to snap at her, but the kind look in her eyes changed my mind. She was only doing her job.

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