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*1 Month Later*

London was completely amazing, the shops, the people, the scenery. Liam and I were still going strong, we haven't had any fights but I couldn't say the same for Harry and Taylor. They've broken up at least five times and Harry keeps going back. I was going to talk to him about that today. My hair was shoulder length now (A/N I changed the length a few chapters back) and was extremely curly. I was on my MacBook Pro in my room browsing random things because I was bored. I hear faint cries from the room beside me and I knew who it was. I threw my MacBook across the bed and swung my legs off the bed. I opened his door and I saw him in a bundle of clothes.

"Harry," I sigh, biting my lip.

I go to his bed, moving stuff away with my foot because the room was a mess. I drag the blankets off his bed and throw them on the floor. He opens his red puffy eyes and I knew he needed comfort the second I saw him. I sat beside him and he let everything he was holding back. His head was buried in my shoulder while he cried.

"Harry," I say softly.

"What?" His deep voice asks, cracking.

"I'm doing this for your sake and I need you to listen to me. Taylor is ruining you. Your one of my best friends and I don't like to see you suffer. She's not the one for you, I promise that one day you'll find her but Taylor isn't the one. She just breaks your heart so next time she calls say....." I trail off smiling.

"We are never ever ever getting back together!" I sing loudly.

He gives me a weak smile and looks at me with big glassy eyes.

"Are you sure? That I'll find her someday?" He asks, blinking over and over to stop from any more tears falling.

"Yes, I'm sure. And look who's calling," I say giving him another smile.

His phone was blaring out and that told me to leave so I left the room to change my shirt.

"That was really sweet of you, ya know," Liam comments when I walk outside the room.

"I can't stand to see him hurt like that, no one should go through that," I sigh loudly.

Harry comes out of the room with a grin on his face, he wraps his arms around me in a hug and my heart warms. I'm glad I could help him, I was so tired of him suffering.

"I told her and thanks so much Mia. I didn't know what to do and you helped me. So thanks again."

"No problem Harry."

"Guys, were going to Nando's," Niall announces.

"Yay! I love Nando's!" I yell jumping up and down.

"That's my kind of girl," Niall chuckles while Liam throws a glare at him.

I've been to Nando's about a thousand times because it was Niall's favorite place to eat but I could see why, it was amazing. Eleanor was back in London and was staying in the guest room. I had no idea where Perrie was. I think Niall was seeing a girl because he was happier than he normally was but I was happy for him, he deserves his princess. I hear the downstairs door slam and someone stomp up the stairs.

"Harry Styles! You can't just break up with me, I love you," Taylor was practically begging.

"Taylor, go away! We're through," he says sternly.

"No, I want you! I need you," Taylor says with a single tear running down.

"Taylor, you're a great girl but you're just not for me," Harry sighs.

Taylor nods understandably and slumps her shoulders. She heads back downstairs and out the door.

"Leggo!" Niall cheers.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask looking at them.

"Perrie, El, Lou, and Zayn are all on a double date. Lou seems to like to do that," Liam says.

"Oh ok, leggo!" I giggle.

"We've got an interview later today and they want you to be on it. We still haven't told the whole world that we're officially dating," Liam says biting his lip.

"Man, this sucks," I groan.

"Could we just go?" Niall asks getting annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Harry comments.

"Liam let's go," I say linking arms with him.

We all head out to Nando's, the boys entertaining themselves by throwing popcorn pieces that were left in the van at each other. These boys can be so immature sometimes. I felt one hit my head from the side of me.

"Niall, stop," I sigh.

He shakes his head furiously and throws another one at my head. I lean on the window, trying to block out the lads. This last month has been hectic, they've had many interviews and gigs. I used to go to every concert but I got tired of going, the screaming was nuts. Harry parks the car and everyone gets out to walk into Nando's. (A/N I haven't been to Nando's before so I'm sry if I get it wrong. I really want to go though)

"Hello Ginny," Niall says smiling at person behind the counter.

"Hi Niall! What can I get my favorite customer?" She asks smiling back.

Niall has been here so much that he knows every staff member in here. I think that's just plain crazy. Silly Niall. He ended up almost ordering the whole menu.

"What do you guys want?" Niall asks us after he finishes.

Everyone rolls their eyes and orders what they wanted. We all sit down at a table and a see a group of girls come up. Oh great, this will end just wonderful.

"Hello! We're your biggest fans! Lewis, can I take a picture with you?" A died red head asked.

I bite my lip to stop from laughing because that was not his name.

"Oh my gosh! It's Neil Horan! Follow me on Twitter!" A fake blond haired girl squeals.

"Uh sure," Louis says frowning.

The two girls that asked take out two phones and snap a picture with everyone. The rest of the girls giggle and run off out of the restaurant.

"I hate those kind of fans," I groan.

"I know, not the real kind of fans," Liam sighs.

"Alright, here's everyones drinks," Diana, a waiter says putting our drinks in front of us.

Everyone says their thanks and she goes back into the kitchen. Five minutes later our food is out and everyone is digging in. It's good every time. After everyone is done we leave and head back home. The place where I can finally call home. My parents home wasn't home, at least not for me. I was walking up the steps when I heard faint crying coming from behind the house. I see a small shed that looked torn and old. The door was broken down but wasn't fully ripped off the small building. The cries were faintly louder but no by much. I slowly walk over to it unsure of what was in there. I open the creaking door and what's in it surprises me. It's a newborn baby with light brown curly hair. It was in a small wooden basket with a thin blanket covering her. I take her in my arms and try to sooth her.

"Shh, it's alright," I say in the softest voice I can.

I just noticed the note attached to her blanket. It read

"Good luck 'Harry Potter.' "

Is this some kind of sick joke? Who left her here? What are we going to do? I'll have to ask Liam. I cradled her to my chest and ran inside in panic. What in the world were we going to do?

© foreva1d 2013

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