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"Guys! Get in the living room!" I yell on the top of my lungs.

The baby stirred in her sleep. I got her to fall asleep a second ago. Everyone came down holding different things. Zayn held a hairbrush, Louis, I guess they were back now, held a stuffed carrot, Liam held a pillow, Niall held a bat, and Harry held a lamp.

"What? What's wrong?" Liam asks, raising his pillow.

I burst out laughing because what they brought were the stupidest things you could bring if someone was in your house.

"N- nothing is wrong, I just don't know what to do," I choke out.

"How about we all take a seat?" I suggest.

I don't even think they noticed the baby yet. "What are you carrying?" Liam asks with raised eyebrows.

I put the baby out in view and everyone gasped.

"Who's baby is that?"

"What is she doing in your arms?"

"Where did she come from?"

Questions were thrown at me non stop.

"Shut it!" I yell, once again the child stirs.

"I found her in the shed with this note on her. I don't know what to do with her. I don't know who's she is or what her name is," I said handing them the note.

They all looked shocked that someone would leave their child out.

"We should put posters up to see if anyone claims her," Liam sighs.

"Hand me back the note," I say frowning.

Zayn hands me the note and I inspect it closer. I flip it over to see what's on the other side and my mouth forms an 'O.'

It read "don't come looking for me. I won't take her back or admit that she's mine. Don't give her up for adoption either, I know you can take care of my baby. Thanks." I read it aloud and the boys look around.

"We can't just keep her," Liam says frowning.

" I don't know what to do, I think it's the best if we did, we can do this together," I sigh.

"I think it would be a good idea! We just have to talk to management about it," Louis says smiling.

"Management will say that it will ruin our image," Zayn trails off.

"We could just play it off as Mia's cousin," Niall suggests.

"That's a good idea," Harry comments.

"I don't know," Liam sighs frustrated.

"Liam, I know you don't want to start a family yet but maybe this will make us grow closer." He storms out of the living room and upstairs.

My face falls and tears threaten to spill over.

"He just needs to chill love," Louis soothes.

"I'll call management if I have to," I sigh.

"No, Liam needs to do it," Zayn says.

"We need to get her food but we still have that interview," I tell them.

"Lou, one of our stylists should be able to help you with that. She'll be at the interview, she can take care of her while we're in the interview," Harry says.

"I'll be right back, could one of you hold her?" I ask.

"I'll hold her," Niall says first.

I hand her to him and rush upstairs, I can her his crying from outside the door. I crack open the door and he has his head in his hands. I sigh and go sit on his bed.

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