Chapter 7: Saying Hi! Pt. 2

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Chapter 7: Saying Hi! Part 2

"Trust the timing of everything, Just because it's not happening right now doesn't mean it never will." - Unknown

(Taiyang POV)

Taiyang is outside his house tending to the plants at the front of the house.

While clipping some leaves as well as watering the many assortment of flowers he hears his daughters voice yell out.

"Dad! Where are you?"

"Over here sweetie! I'm up front!"

Putting his watering can and clippers down for now he walks to the side of the house where he heard his daughter.

From there he sees Ruby walking up to him, to himself she seemed nervous about something.

"You...haven't by any chance know where Yang is do you?" She asks, giving himself a second to think about it...he did get a message that Yang was going into town to celebrate getting accepted into Beacon.

Oh! Right, he didn't get a chance to tell her yet. "Actually I do, Yang just message a bit ago, she got accepted into Beacon! Can you believe that?" I said happily.

"R-really?! I didn't even know!" She said with joy, "Yeah! Yang told me she was going into town to celebrate, I don't know when exactly she'll be back but you know how she is."

"O-oh..." Ruby suddenly became nervous again, now if there was one thing that he knew about his daughter Ruby was that she was terrible at hiding her feelings.

Either it being happiness, sadness, disappointment, and anger which happens so rarely. Like now was one of those times, avoiding eye contact, fiddling fingers, it was like that time when she was caught getting into the cookie jar all those times before.

"Alright, what's on your mind kiddo?" I ask,    "H-huh? Oh uhh, well~ you see..." she was stalling, definitely like the times with the cookie jar. "Alright, what did you do?"

"Huh?" She says clueless, either if she was faking or not is up to debate but, whatever it is that's bothering her she might as well say it.

"Look, I know you're trying to hide something from me. So what is it?" I say with a smile, Ruby suddenly looks dejected.

"That obvious huh?"

"Ruby, when you've been a Huntsman as long as I have you tend to notice these things, plus I'm your father, can't fool me that easily." I say with pride.

"...Promise you won't be mad?"

"Promise." I say, I mean it shouldn't be that bad right?"

As Ruby guides me into the forest I've grown to realize something, this doesn't feel right. "Ruby, where exactly are you taking me?"

She stops for a quick second and looks back at me a little unsure, "Well...there's someone I want you to meet."

"Meet?" Then it suddenly hit me, random forest trip, Ruby's constant trips into the forest, her supposedly imaginary friend.

"Dad?" I didn't realize I suddenly stop, this certain spot close to a big set of bushes, I should know this forest like the back of my hand.

I also know that there's a clearing past those bushes, and now I KNOW for a fact who's behind that set of pushes.

"Dad? Dad what are you doing? Dad!"
I quickly stop my way pass the bushes, with a scowl on my face.

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