Chapter 21: Teamwork

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Chapter 21: Teamwork

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." - Henry Ford

Quickly turning around Pyrrha looks behind her, wondering if she actually seen or heard somebody, but nothing out of place was seen.

"Pyrrha? You ok?" Ruby asks her from behind, Surveyor next to her.

Looking at her friend (who was almost as big as her), Pyrrha looked backed to where the supposed people were. "Yeah."

But before she could say anything, slurping could be heard and before she realized it, the jar of sap she held was all gone, "Nora!" The pure Red Headed girl said, Ruby and Surveyor stepping back from the yell.

As Pyrrha chastised Nora, Surveyor felt a beep in his head, a continuous beep, looking around he found the direction where the beeping could be coming from.

"Ruby, beeps."

"Beeps? What do you mean by that?" Ruby asked. "Beeps, that way." Surveyor said. Putting her goggles over her eyes she scanned her robotic friend, and found nothing wrong.

"Right...Are you sure your okay? I'm starting to get worried about you Surveyor." Yes, Ruby was getting very worried for her childhood friend, although the Servitor said time and time again that he was fine, she couldn't fully believe him.

Especially with Surveyor's programming being out of her expertise, the mechanical part she could fully understand, with blueprints and experience she was able to work what and why inside of him like a doctor.

And like a doctor while she could expertly work on the outside boo-boo's, there not much she could do for the inside ones, the programming could only be helped with a expert in that field as far as she knows.

And with how unique Surveyor is, she may be the only one in the world to understand it partially. With a sigh she places a hand on the Servitor friend and remembered that despite her knowing him all her life.

She still doesn't understand him fully, "It scares me." Ruby thinks, "It scares me so much that I don't know you, if there comes a day where you'll be terribly hurt, then will I be able to even fix you?"

Surveyor continues to look in the direction of the "Beeps", unaware of Ruby's fear.

"Gah!" Being pushed to the ground Jaune was physically injured, suddenly Cardin grabbed the front collar of his shirt, and after raising him up, he punched him back down.

"You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy." Cardin says, "I'm going to make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny, pieces."

Cardin picks up Jaune with both of his hands threateningly, "I don't care what you do to me, but you are not messing with my team." Jaune said defiantly.

"What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?" Cardin asks angrily.

Jaune smiled as a response, angry at that Cardin goes in to punch the Blonde pseudo-Knight, but when he did, a bright flashed blinded the area.

Dropping Jaune, Cardin holds his hand as if in pain. "Huh?" Jaune looked to his hands and they shined a bright white, "Is this, my Aura?" He thinks before being kicked down from behind.

"Let's see how much of a man you really are." Looking up Jaune sees Cardin and his team were ready to beat him up.


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