Ch.38 Season Finale Pt.1

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Chapter 38: Finale Pt. 1

"It's your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Dr. Oobleck?!" Ruby yelled out in surprise.

"That's right! Ozpin had deemed it necessary for me to tag along as The Huntsman you girls will be shadowing! First off." Quickly moving in front of Ruby he held his hand out.

"It is an honor to be working with the leader of an incredible extraterrestrial group! When the opportunity presents itself allow me to discuss the history and culture of the Fallen at your earliest convenience!" Ruby felt embarrassed as she shook hands with her Professor.

"Of course! The honors all mine." She said, Dr. Oobleck quickly stepped back, "Now then, with that out of the way, let me be clear." He said while pushing up his glasses, walking side to side from the Team's perspective.

"Ozpin had made sure to tell me that this mission is strictly a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be going to have a singular base of operations rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp at any defendable locations we may stumble upon." Ruby raises her hand which stops the Professor to look at her suddenly. "What is your question?"

"Do we have anything in terms of supplies or?"

"Great question Ruby, nevertheless I already packed our essentials myself, plotted the air course, and readied the airstrip. Any more questions?"

Each member of Team RWBY looked at each other, still unsure of the Huntsman they were shadowing while Ruby shook her head no. "None at all? Perfect! So come and hurry along girls, because according to my schedule we are already three minutes behind, schedule!"

To team RWBY's surprise the Professor had suddenly rushed from in front of them to the airship that was a good distance away, all four were unmoved.

"Well alright then... Guess we're saving the world with Doctor Oobleck, no time like the present, right?" Ruby said with a strained smile only getting an unsure look from her team in response.

"Right?" Ruby tried to reason, only feeling embarrassed when the other girls sighed at working with Dr. Oobleck of all Huntsman.

"Save the world?" A loud voice was heard behind them, looking at the person they saw Team JNPR walking towards them. "You guys are going on world saving missions without us?!" Nora would say. "I'm hurt! Sad! Maybe a little hungry, that last isn't your fault though, Ren." Nora gave her partner an accusing look, causing Ren to look away as he crossed his arms with a frown.

"Sounds exciting, where you going?" Jaune asked, "Oh just outside the kingdom." Was Ruby's response.

"How fun! We're going to be working here in the kingdom instead!" Nora explained.

"Jaune and Nora wanted to shadow a crime specialist, most of it will be within the inner city." Pyrrha said.

"With you guys gone, I thought it was necessary not to stray too far when they need me." Jaune said as he looked at his House Kell. "We also get Junior Badges." He whispered causing Ruby to giggle.

"We set out tomorrow."

"Then you can party with us tonight!" Neptune suddenly said as he and Sun had popped up next to the two teams. "We're going to be shadowing a sheriff of a nearby city, we're going to be Cowboys!" Neptune said as he and his partner both dramatically posed with a finger gun.

"We'd normally go to the city with you guys, but with everything exploding and junk, we thought to check out the rest of the kingdom where it's you know... Normal." Sun had explained.

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