Chapter 12: Strategem

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Chapter 12: Strategam

"They will try to kill you. Kill them back." - Variks, The Loyal

"Surveyor!!" Both Ruby and Yang yell with Ruby using her semblance to run to the downed Servitor, who had already bounced off of a tree.

"What in the world is that!?" Weiss loudly exclaims, "What even was that?" Blake asks confused, which would go unanswered.

"What the heck was that for?!" Yang asks Nora with her pupils notably red as she looks over Surveyor showing how mad she was at the perpetrator.

"Hey! He was the one who spooked me! I thought it was a Grimm!" The Grenade Launcher wielding lady said trying to justify her actions.

"I'm sure that everyone would think it was a Grimm after a roar like that." Pyrrha said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Right Jaune...Jaune?" While Pyrrha was looking to Jaune for support the boy in question was amazed looking at the machine.

"What is that thing?"

"Agh! Come on buddy! I fixed you before I can fix you again..." Ruby said her goggles over her eyes while digging through Surveyor's exposed side.

"It's...A Robot?" Blake asked.

"Yep, but he isn't just any Robot mind you!"

"Don't you mean "it?"" Weiss with knowledge of the Atlesian Knights couldn't help but ask as she looks at the spherical machine.

"He! Is a value member of me and Ruby's family, who was literally unceremoniously shot from the sky!" Yang yelled

"Well Sorry! It's not my fault that he suddenly looked like a Grimm." Nora crossed her arms looking away, as if pouting.

"We could all literally see him! How do you mistake that for a Grimm!?" Yang had to ask not understanding Nora's thought process.

"He had a mouth in the middle of its body!"

"It's an eye!"

"He had a fleshy inside!"

"What flesh?! He has a metal body!"

"He had tentacles!"

"Ok, now I know that you're messing with me!"

"Quiet!!" Ruby suddenly yells to the two arguing Yang and Nora, all the while moving some stuff around inside Surveyor before closing the hatch suddenly.

"There, all done." Lifting up her goggles and slapping some dust off of her hands she looks to her teammates and sister. "The blast just knocked a power supplier out of its socket so he should be back online here in a-"

With a metallic groan all Eliksni Servitors give out Surveyor started to float off of the ground, shaking himself to be rid of dust and dirt.

"...Minute wow you wake up fast buddy."
Ruby said to her best friend, the Servitor looked ahead and saw Ruby in its lone eye.

Surveyor floated forward to the red headed girl, "Hug" the Servitor said before nuzzling her long time family member, Ruby returned the affections by hugging him. "I'm glad your ok..."

"You had us worried sick Survey! Where were you?" Yang said approaching her sibling and adopted sibling respectively.

Surveyor tried to speak, talking to both of his family members in his own way expecting Ruby to hear and relay to Yang.

"I...can't understand what you're saying..." Ruby explains sadly with Yang sighing expecting this result.

"What do you mean? Seems pretty clear cut to me." Nora suddenly says.

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