Chapter 15: (Cabal) Takeover

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Side Story (Cabal): Takeover Pt. 1

"The strongest of all warriors are these — Time and Patience" - Leo Tolstoy


The Snowy Continent of Solitas, a cold and harsh place with nights full of pure darkness, and days that can't seem to warm up.

If it weren't for the Atlas Military, many settlements in Solitas would've been lost to he Grimm many years ago.

In fact, some would say that the Grimm problem is only getting worse. With reports stating that some are growing to adapt to the harsh winters, no more do many completely freeze and disappear.

But it isn't just settlements that the Grimm attack, in fact they destroy anything seemingly man-made, including mining operations from the SDC (Schnee Dust Company).

Which is where our story takes place, from within one of these "strongholds" protected and guarded by the Atlas Military is a Faunus-manned Schnee Dust Company mining crew.

You see, the world runs on Dust, by definition, "It is a naturally occurring energy propellant that can be triggered by the Aura of Humans and Faunus."

Of course, those who lived and learned of Remnant would know such basic information...But what of those who hasn't? What about those who are out of this world?

Why these are questions that one Red Legion Cabal Leader would ask himself when it comes to this strange energy that was scanned from outside the planets atmosphere.

Thol Zu'ark now commander had to find out these questions too, if not for himself, then for the acting Red Legion Comamnder Thun Nalar.

And Thun always gets what he wants.

On the command bridge of the middle Cabal Drop Ship Red Legion Psions tap at their ships controls with one dutiful watching the rest.

After some time Thol Zu'ark made his way into the Command Bridge and speaks in Ulurant, the Cabal Language to this single Psion

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After some time Thol Zu'ark made his way into the Command Bridge and speaks in Ulurant, the Cabal Language to this single Psion.

"Do the humans suspect anything?"

"No sir, the snow storm around us seems to disrupt their electronics, for a brief moment. They are blind."

"Then lower us to dropping distance, me and my men will walk from here unseen by the storm. When I give the signal, shoot at their base's Anti-Air Weaponry, keep them distracted for as long as you can."

"Yes sir."

Leaving the bridge Thol made his way to the back of the ship, where the sides would open, letting him and his men jump from the ship.

On his way there he saw 6 other Legionaries, 6 Phalanx's, 4 Psions and Two Centurions, this was going to be the team he was dropping with on this ship.

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