Chapter 26: Doleful Hope

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Chapter 26: Doleful Hope

"To get what you want in life, you must inspire trust - even if you intended to break it." - Joelle Charbonneau

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake after getting a call from Jaune,  grabbed everything that they need in order to help the Fallen Deserters. Team RWBY were now on their way to The Fallen Camp through The Emerald Forest to get what they needed for the child's cold.

"I hope this helps," said Ruby as she looked at her bag full of medicine and food. "One of these should be enough to help him out at least."

Weiss took a look inside her own bag. "Would any of this stuff even work on them? You know, Alien and all."
Blake put her hand into her small medic bag. "Well I found that rubbing alcohol works about the same as us, it really shouldn't make any difference."

"Oh don't be so negative Weiss, this is RWBY's Fallen we're talking about here. If Ruby trust that this'll be enough then it most definitely should." Yang said as she was carrying a bunch of blankets and pillows. "I mean isn't this great? We might just save an Alien's life! Who else thinks they can say the same?"

Ruby smiles. "Yeah, I'm glad that we could do this for him, I know I haven't been a great Leader to them, so it's the least I can do."

"The least you can do is the best you can do, that's what it means to be a true leader." Weiss states.

Yang looks at Weiss with a teasing smirk. "Nice quote there, let me guess, Fortune Cookie?"

"Quiet you!"

Blake rolls her eyes, "Speaking of which, what exactly is Surveyor anyway?" She questioned. "He seemed pretty important to these Fallen, is he an Alien too?"

Ruby shrugs. "I honestly don't know, I mean one day I found him in the Forest practically in me and Yang's backyard when I was a kid and I ended up giving him the name Surveyor cause I found it in a dictionary. was more of a case of "Oh! You're name has letters! This word looks like the right name, I'll call you that!" And Surveyor just...Kinda stuck."

"I guess at this point it isn't out of the realm of possibilities that he's some kind of alien or something right?" Blake asked.

Ruby had to stop and think. "I honestly don't know, Maybe? He definitely isn't human made. I should know since I checked. Actually I think The Fallen knew exactly what he was."

Yang laughed. "Well if that's the case, then maybe he is an alien. That would explain why you were so invested into him."
Ruby nodded. "That's true."

Weiss put her finger up. "But if that were the case why now out of all times? You said he was just in your backyard right? If so why didn't they come sooner? Actually how long do you think he was there anyway?"

"What do you mean?" asked Ruby, "What I mean is, if he truly was Alien and yes while it would make sense if he was buried under the ground like in a temple of some sort then sure it could be argued that it probably was Aliens who lost him. So what condition was he in when you found him?"

Ruby thought about this, the more she thought about it this was the question that had her stumped most recently, how did Surveyor even get there in that forest. Not too far from her home, in fact...

"Ruby?" Yang asked worriedly as her sister stopped walking, Goggle over her eyes just staring at the ground, not really focusing on anything.

"...He was battered, Broken, and shot at..."

"What?" Her teammates exclaimed both verbally and thoughtfully.

"Over the years building him it looked like he suffered years of battle, scrapes and scratches all over. Burnt marks here and there in the armor plating. Bullet holes through the wiring and his armor. In fact he was missing a huge section of his Flying Module at one point. So why was he in our backyard...?"

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