Ch. 35: Restless Plans

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Chapter 35: Restless Plans

"Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." - Mae West

As Ruby sits at a table in Beacon's Ballroom, she and her team were tasked with setting up decorations for the dance that would happen the next day.

As much as Ruby hated to admit it she was sulking since one of her friends would not be attending, even when it was obvious she needed it the most.

Her train of thought ends as Weiss smacks two pieces of fabric in front of her, asking a question "I need you to pick a table cloth"

Looking at both with no idea what the difference was, Ruby gave her the best answer she could come up with. "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss groans "I don't even know why I asked?" She said before walking off, looking at her leave she sees her sister Yang walking towards her, carrying a large stereo.

As she put it down the stereo made the area jump, signifying how heavy it was. "I still think you should pick out a dress Ruby."

"Why? I said I'm not going..."

"You would be if you haven't had blown off Vomit Boy, there's still time!" She said with a teasing smirk.

"Yang! Like I said I'm not going, and besides, what's the point if Blake isn't going."

"Oh don't worry, she's going." Yang looks to her side and frowns. "Weiss! I thought we agreed, no doilies!"

Weiss runs up to her quickly giving an ultimatum, "If I get no doilies, You, don't get fog machines."

The door could be heard clanking open and what everyone could see was Neptune and Sun walking towards them.

"Your dance is going to have fog machines?" Neptune asks, "We were thinking about it." A love struck Weiss replies, Yang rolls her eyes at this.

"Thats pretty cool."

"You ladies all excited for dress up?" Sun questions which causes Ruby to blow a raspberry at. "Yeah right."

"Laugh all you want, I'll be turning heads tomorrow night." Yang states.

Weiss looks back to the two members of SSSN. "What are you two wearing?"

"Uuh, this?" Sun explained as he referred to his regular attire, "Ignore him, for he knows not what he says." Neptune said pushing back his friend which made Sun jumped back in front of him.

"Hey I may have moved to Mistral but I grew up in Vacuo, it's not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place."

"Yeah, we noticed." Yang said, agreeing with her fellow blond.

While Sun seemed a bit embarrassed at the quick agreement he noticed only three members of Team RWBY were here and wondered where the fourth was. "Sooo, what does Blake think of all this, she still being all, you know. Blake-y?"

Weiss crossed her arms with a frown. "Obviously."

"I still can't think of a way to change her mind." Ruby said.

"Guys." Yang had called out, "Trust me, Blake will be at the dance tomorrow." She said walking off towards the library where she knew her teammate would be.

Ruby sighs as she watches her sister leave. "I guess that means I have to find a dress then." Standing up she too was leaving. "Hey wait! Let me come with!" Sun yelled as he followed her out.

Weiss and Neptune looked to each other and shrugged as they both watched their teammates leave and Weiss continued on setting up the Dance preparations, which had Neptune helped her.

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