Ch. 32: Close Encounters

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"I don't like the saying keep your friends close and enemies closer. I want my enemy on a different planet." - Wanda Sykes

"Which is why it's imperative I move House Rose closer to Beacon Academy. There are still many benefits to be made from this exchange and hopefully give an easier way to explain what The Eliksni are." Ruby says as she reads from her notebook to Headmaster Ozpin.

After the Cafeteria Food Fight, Ruby, Ozpin, and Glynda Goodwitch would make their way to Ozpin's office.

The meeting that was taking place was that of Ruby trying to move House Rose closer to Beacon in hopes of not only keeping them safe, but also show that there were benefits to doing this.

"I see, and you are certain you know exactly what they are? And what they are capable of?" Ozpin asked inquisitively.

"I do, right now House Rose is barely a shadow of what it truly was when it came to Remnant. When I took over as a "Kell", I was given everything I needed to know to both understand and improve what I can to both The House itself and as an Eliksni Leader." Ruby explained as she closed her notebook and held it to her side.

"With The Grimm hunting them down and word of a new species of Grimm on the rise we need their help now more then ever, give them a chance and I show you why exactly The Eliksni aren't as bad as they seem." Ruby finished.

Yet both Glynda and Ozpin gave her a hard look that made her nervous, not because it was a look of instant refusal, but because it was a look of actual consideration.

As the roof gears continue to click and tock Ruby remembered something, ever since she was a child she ended up learning a hard and undeniable truth. "A chance of hope is more painful when it's denied instead of it being denied outright."

But before she could get her answer the screen next to Ozpin was flashing and beeping. "Access Requested" it said in bright white letters, pressing a button he yelled out towards the elevator.

"Come in." And when the doors open out came General James Ironwood of The Atlas Military.

Who looked genuinely surprised to see Ruby, as if he wasn't expecting her to be here, but still smiled as he looked to his old friend

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Who looked genuinely surprised to see Ruby, as if he wasn't expecting her to be here, but still smiled as he looked to his old friend.

"Ozpin." He said professionally.

"Hello, General." He replied.

"I wasn't expecting there to be company. Well, aside from Glynda..." he briefly said.

"General, this is Ruby Rose, a first year student and team leader of the team know as RWBY (Ruby)". Glynda Goodwitch decided to explain.

"I see. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Ironwood said as he reached his right arm out for a handshake. "Oh! Of course! The pleasures all mine." Ruby quickly said shaking his hand, noting how it was as hard as Surveyor.

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