Chapter 1

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Annabeth wept. After he died the figure disappeared. But Annabeth wouldn't accept that he was dead. She shook his limp body. She slapped him, thought she really didn't think that that would work. She screamed his name, she made every single one of the Apollo campers check, she made Apollo check. By the time she accepted that he was gone every single one of the Olympians was there and Hades and most of Camp Jupiter.
But Annabeth still wouldn't get up, she lay over his body, as if to protect him from everyone. Her face was soaked with salty tears and her hair was plastered to her forehead.
"Annabeth," Annabeth heard the voice of her old friend Thalia, Annabeth hadn't noticed the hunters arrive," c'mon Annie lets get you cleaned up." Annabeth was so upset that she didn't even care that Thalia had called her Annie. She accepted Thalia's outstretched hand and allowed herself to be led away.

The next day the gods called a meeting on Olympus as Artemis's lenient Thalia had to go in Artemis's place as her Lady hated meetings. They all sat in silence for what felt like days. Then Hades spoke up, he was sitting on a. Small wooden chair by the hearth of Hestia.
"The boy's soul is not in my realm," Hades declared." Just like those of the Castellan boy and the Nightshade girl."
"What!" Thalia said.
"It's not just them either," Hades continued, ignoring her," Beckendorf, Beauregard, my Bianca, that's just the start of it, They were the first to go, but since Jackson's death more and more have been disappearing!"
"This is bad,' Hermes said," are the doors of death open again?"
"No, I had Thanatos check that as soon as I realised, they're tight shut," Hades said.
"Hades, seal the entrances to the underworld, no one leaves," Zeus commanded, Hades nodded and disappeared." We're going to condense the camps, if they're together they'll be safer. Thalia tell Artemis that you and the hunters are to stay at camp for a bit, until we deem it safe," Thalia nodded and jumped up, she ran out of the throne room, sprinted straight through the city and into the elevator. As it descended at Zeus knows what speed, Thalia thought to herself. It felt like she had lost him all over again. In the space of two days she had lost her cousin and watched all of her old friends die again. Thalia felt like she was being torn apart from the inside out and that was too much for her to handle.

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