Chapter 26

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Annabeth looked up in shock. She couldn't register what had happened. How had she been so careless?
Zöe pulled out a bow and notched an arrow.
"What were you doing in the tree?" She asked. Annabeth stared at Zöe wide eyed.
"I-I couldn't stay in the cabin," she stuttered, "I had to get away."
"Why?" Zöe demanded.
"Zöe cut her some slack," Beckendorf knelt down next to her. He tried to take her hand and help her up but she scrambled away. She drew her dagger and pointed it at them.
"YOU'RE DEAD!" She yelled, "you're some kind of spirits."
"Annabeth," Beckendorf put his hands up where Annabeth could see them, "I promise you, we're very much alive."
"Then why did you lie about your identities to us?" She sobbed. She daren't hope that maybe... No she wouldn't let herself even think about it.
"Honestly?" Beckendorf asked, he was now crouching just in front of her, "I didn't know who I was until very recently."
"If you're here then who else is?" Annabeth swung her knees around so she was sitting on them, she didn't lower her dagger. "Who was Huntress?"
Beckendorf looked around to Zöe, "do you know who Huntress was?"
Zöe gave him a daggers look, "you talk about her in the past tense. She's still alive."
"Okay who is Huntress then?" Beckendorf corrected.
"Bianca," Zöe said. Her face expressionless, "Bianca Di Angelo."
"The others?" Annabeth asked eagerly, "Charm, Alpha, Saviour who're they?"
"No idea," Beckendorf said. Zöe just nodded in agreement.

Silena pulled Luke across the U shape of the cabins towards the woods. They had decided to find out what Star and Forge were up too. They followed the footprints through the trees it had been hours but all that the two could tell Forge and Star were still in the trees.
They came across the two minutes later both standing with their backs to Silena and Luke. They had their hoods down but Silena could still tell who they were. Although she couldn't picture their faces. Annabeth kneeled opposite the, with her dagger drawn. Forge knelt in front of her. Talking quietly to her. Star was standing slightly further back than Forge. As he glanced back Silena caught a glance of his face. She stumbled back. She stood of a twig and it cracked under her foot. All three people in the clearing's heads whipped around to look at where Silena and Luke stood.
"Charlie?" She stuttered.
Charles Beckendorf stood and looked at them. "how?" He asked.
Silena threw back her hood and rushed over to him. She threw her arms around him and kissed him. He kissed her back. For a moment the two were lost in the moment, and nothing could pull them out of it.

Annabeth watched Silena and Beckendorf with a small smile on her face. Only after they had broken apart did she remember Alpha. She stood from her kneeling position. He looked over at her and smiled.
"I've missed you Annabeth." He said. Her lips formed his name. And then Alpha drew back his hood and swept her into a hug. She was almost disappointed to see those blue eyes. That long white scar. That blonde hair. Almost.
"Luke," she muttered into his shoulder.
He nodded. "Gods Annie I missed you so much." They broke out of the hug.
"I missed you too," Annabeth said, but then it dawned on her." Saviour."
"What about him?" Luke asked her.
"You guys all remembered who you are in order of when you died. First Bianca, then Zöe, then Beckendorf and then you and Silena. So Saviour must've died after the Titan war. The Giant war or after that. So he could be..." She trailed off, hardly daring to hope.
"Percy," Luke muttered."oh Gods."

Saviour felt abandoned. He spent the entire afternoon searching for Alpha. But he was nowhere to be found. So he just went back to the Hades cabins and sat on the roof. It was to dark inside the cabin, it made him feel trapped. He liked to be free, just like the water that he loved so much. The Hades cabin, it made him feel like he was underground. He hated being underground. It felt like he was being buried.
On Saga Chaos made them write down what funeral rights they'd like. Just incase. Saviour had said that he wanted to be cast of on a boat and burned. He couldn't stand the thought that he'd end up under the soil.
So when Alpha came out of the woods with Charm, Forge, Star and Annabeth. Saviour just glared at him. Though his eyes weren't visible it made him feel better to just be able to sit there and vent his anger at something.
Alpha seemed to feel eyes on him because he turned to look right at Saviour. The normal easy smile was gone from his face. Replaced by a grimace of determination. Whatever was wrong, Saviour didn't want to know.
He gave Alpha the cold shoulder for a day. Not talking to him unless he had too. The other three were very confused. Forge even asked Saviour what was wrong. But Saviour just shook him off telling him he was fine. He sat away from Nico and Hazel at meal times. Preferring to be alone.

Hope you enjoyed it :-D
I'll see you in the next chapter!
~Em xx

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