Chapter 20

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Alpha sat and watched as Thalia and Jason duel. They were good, but he wasn't really watching them. He was watching Thalia. The way her muscles moved. The way she blocked the blows. She was beautiful. Alpha watched her greedily, taking every detail. The way her short hair reflected the light. They finished the fight both looking a little worse for wear. Jason's hair looked like a bird's nest and Thalia was hot and sweaty.
"How was that?" Thalia asked Alpha, he didn't realise that she was talking to him until she clicked her fingers in front of his face. "Hey stop gawping!" She laughed, "I didn't leave the hunters to have random guys gawping at me!"
"Sorry!" Alpha shook himself, "Yer that was great, try again but using your powers."
Thalia and Jason both nodded and moved back out into the centre of the training arena.

Forge looked at the big bronze dragon that was curled up in the middle of the cabins. It seemed so... so familiar. Like he knew it somehow.
"Thats Festus," Leo said, "my dragon."
"Your dragon?" Forge asked.
"He kinda belongs to the whole Hephaestus cabin, I kinda adopted him of some guy called Beckendorf." Leo admitted.
"Oh." The name Beckendorf tugged at a faint memory. Forge couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe he'd come across the guy before he lost his memories, maybe?

Frank and Hazel sat on the beach toghether. When they were alone it was the only time Hazel felt comfortable enough to cry. After the war Percy had been like an older brother to Hazel. He had helped her master her gem powers so that unwanted jewels didn't pop up everywhere anymore, and he had helped her training. In every way that mattered Percy had been her brother.
She put her face on Frank's shoulder.
"I just miss him so much," she mumbled, wiping tears from her eyes.
Frank put his arm around her, "I know Hazel, gods I know."

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