Chapter 40

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The doorbell rang just as Hope finished off her sandwich. She got up to answer it. She pulled open the door. Tristan stood there with a worried expression on his face, he was also panting for oxygen.
Tristan had his mum's hair and African-American skin tone. The only thing he had gotten from his father was ice blue eyes. That and the fact that he could fly.
"Hey Tristan what's wrong?" Hope asked him.
"Chiron, Rachel, Prophecy," he panted. Just because She knew him so well She understood completely what he said. Chiron wants to see you. Rachel has a new prophecy.
"I'm coming just let me grab some shoes." Hope said. She shoved her feet into her trainers and yelled to her parents that she was going out. Then her and Tristan rushed towards the big house.
"Hey Chiron," Hope shouted as the two entered the big house.
"My dear," Chiron called, "in here." They went through into the room. Rachel sat in a chair twiddling her thumbs. Chiron was in wheelchair form.
"Hi," Tristan said as they walked through the door of the room. Seymour the leopard head chewed on something in the corner.
"Sit down," Chiron gestured to the free sofa. The two sat.
"So. A prophecy. I'm guessing it includes at least one of us," Hope said.
"To the point," Rachel said, "yes it does."
"So go on," Hope prompted.
Rachel took a breath and then recited the lines.
"Two children of the same mother,
Shall battle sister on brother,
The 15th year soon shall come,
When Hope or Power shall prevail."
They sat in silence for agers. Then Hope broke the silence. She had too many questions to wait.
"Does this mean what I think it means?" She looked from Chiron to Rachel and back again.
"Yes child," Chiron said solemnly.
"I have to go," Hope jumped up.
"H wait," Tristan called to her. But she was already gone.

"Annabeth we have to tell her soon," Percy told his wife.
She nodded, "I know, I just can't."
"I know what you mean, but wouldn't you like to know you had an evil twin brother." Percy reasoned.
"I know," Annabeth glanced at the door, "She'll blame me for not telling her."
"Wise Girl as long as you're the one telling her she'll be fine with it." Percy took her hand, "after all she-"
Percy was cut off by the front door banging open. Hope stormed into the living room. Looking absolutely livid.
Annabeth jumped up and walked over to Hope. "Honey we-" she was cut off by Percy coughing, "okay I thought it would just upset you."
"Do I have a brother that you never told me about!" Hope yelled.
"Half brother," Annabeth corrected. Her forehead crinkled, "twin." She corrected herself.
"HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!" Their daughter yelled at them.
"We don't understand it either," Percy said, standing up, "But if your brother is anything like his father then you don't want to meet him."
"But I do," Hope seeded to deflate, she sat down on the sofa looking heart broken.
"Okay H let's sit down and tell you our story." Percy patted her back.
"All of it?" She asked.
He nodded, "all of it."

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