Chapter 33

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Walking around camp no one seemed surprised to see Percy. It was the others that people were running up to see.
Luke was rugby tackled by Thalia. Both Nico and Hazel ran to hug Bianca. Leo and Piper both went to Silena and Beckendorf.
Various hunters broke off and started talking to Zöe and other 'dead' hunters. Other campers went and talked to siblings and friends.
Percy stood in the middle looking for one person. Annabeth. Piper came over to him. She looked him up and down. Then lent into hug him.
"Meet me at Zeus's fist in five minuets," she whispered in his ear. They broke apart and she smiled and went to talk to Silena. Percy took one last look around and headed off to the woods.

Piper's heart almost skipped a beat when she first saw the group enter camp. The person leading it was Percy. The real Percy. Looking tired and dirty but he had that glint in his eyes. One that made her sure it was the real one.
She walked down to Zeus's fist thinking about how she would tell Percy about Annabeth.
When she got there Percy was already sitting on the rocks. He was looking down at his hands with a puzzled expression on his face.
Piper sat down next to him.
"What the hell is going on Piper?" He asked her.
"I really don't know. I was going to ask you the same question." Piper said, "during the battle nine months ago your hood was torn off and you remembered who you were. Since then Annabeth got... She got..." Piper trailed off.
"She got what?" Percy pressed her.
"You're not gonna like it," Piper warned him.
"I don't care." He said.
"She got pregnant. She's due this time next month." Percy put a hand to his mouth.
"During the battle Chaos came to get me, he told me that he had a lead on where Huntress was and that he wanted me to go and find her. It was a trap, I got stuck in a room and I was there until like a day ago. I managed to get out, I found the others and we got a portal back to earth." Percy told her.
"I knew that it wasn't really you, I don't know how. But I did." She lent over and hugged him.
"It's good to be home," he admitted.
"We all missed you," she told him.

Hello fellow wattpaddians.
I should really be writing some thing that has use to you guys here but I really have nothing to say. So how are you guys?
I do have one thing to tell you.
the first week of July I will be on a school trip to France. So I won't be able to update.
Love you

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