Chapter 13

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"Capture the flag is tomorrow night, make sure you are all allied, this week it's Athena/Minerva v Ares/Mars." Chiron said.
Saviour looked at Alpha, they had made sure that their cabins were on the same team. The teams were;
(im just gonna use their greek names for now)
Athena team;

Ares team;

The minor God cabins were split between the teams.
"See you tomorrow bro," Saviour fist pumped Alpha before heading off to bed.

The next morning Saviour woke up to Nico Di Angelo standing over him.
"Woa!" Saviour exclaimed." Dude, how long have you been standing there?"
"About ten minutes," Nico said, "get dressed."
Saviour jumped up and pulled a t-shirt and jeans on under his cloack, then he headed out to breakfast alone. 'What's up with Huntress' he thought to himself.
He walked to the dining pavilion and plopped himself down on the Zeus table next to Alpha who was just finishing up a plate of pancakes
Saviour reached for his own stack of pancakes, and for some reason that he couldn't work out, blue food colouring. He ate his stack in record time.
Then they headed to the Ares cabin for the plans for capture the flag.

"So Nico, you summon your undead army, get them to defend the flag," Frank said. The son of Hades nodded." Thalia, Jason, Hazel, you three are on attack with me. Demeter and Diyonisis can you guys grow plants and vines around the flag to stop them getting at it. Ares you guys patrol the stream and stop them crossing it. Is that everyone?" Frank looked around.
"No," Alpha said.
'Oh Yer sorry you guys defend the stream with Ares." Frank smiled.

Later Annabeth perched in the big tree over the flag. An old trick but it always worked. Annabeth knew that Frank would make the plan. She knew that he would put himself, Hazel, Thalia and Jason on attack, she knew that the Demeter and Diyonisis cabins would be growing vines to protect the flag and that Nico would be summoning a undead army. That the Ares campers would be defending the steam. The only thing she didn't know was what the three of the Elite on their side would be doing. Piper was in another tree not far away. The Hephaestus cabin had set traps everywhere. The Apollo campers were stationed in trees, well the ones who could shoot, the others were on attack with the rest of the Athena cabin. The Aphrodite campers were doing their nails apart from Piper and a few of her siblings. The Hermes cabin had set up practical jokes and traps everywhere. The three of the Elite on their team were on attack, Annabeth figured they must be pretty good fighters, so she decided to use that.
Annabeth was so lost in her thoughts that she almost fell out of her tree when the conch horn sounded signalling the start of the game.

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