Chapter 48

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Hope ran. She ran straight to Power. Tristan ran next to her a determined look on his face, almost menacing. She called on her powers from the sea and used them to set a hurricane swirling around her.
Up ahed she could see Power, he threw his head back and laughed. Then he charged, as he ran he summoned a whirlwind of darkness around him. Then the siblings hit each other with the force of two colliding trucks on a motorway. Then her world spiralled into blackness.

As Percy made his way through the army of monsters leaving a trail of destruction behind him his one thought was of Hope. He hoped she'd be okay, he couldn't stand the thought of loosing her. And then there was Annabeth. Beautiful, brave, smart Annabeth, he couldn't bear to loose her either. But the chances of all three of them making out of the battle were slim to none.

Annabeth judo flipped another monster and stabbed it with her sword.
It disitergrated.
Her mind had gone into autopilot. She didn't even have to think about what she was doing, she just kept stabbing and decapitating. She whirled around just in time too see two hurricanes, one pure white, the other pure darkness, clash in the middle of the battle. The clash sent a shock wave through the armies. And two bodies were flung away. Both disappeared into water vapor.

Hope woke up with a pounding headache. There was a body lying on top of her, she shoved it off. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. The body was that of Power. She looked around. There were three old ladies sat in armchairs all with knitting needles.
"Not dead," one croked.
"Not yet," another agreed.
"But if you wish to live you must make a choice." The last said.
"You're the fates aren't you." Hope concluded. They all nodded in unison.
"We are."
"What do you mean I must make a choice?" Hope asked warily.
"End or Chaos." The first said.
"Good or evil," the second said.
"Life or death," the last finished.
"If you choose End, there will be nothingness. No Elysium for the dead, no underworld, just eternal blackness." The first said.
"But if you choose Chaos, you can return home, things will be how they were before End ever got evolved in any of your lives." The second said.
"But choosing Chaos will come at a cost," the last countered, "time will reset to before your father died. You and your brother, well you would not have been born yet."
"Will he still die?" Hope asked, "my father I mean."
"We will show you what can be." The three said in unison. The world around Hope dissolved, for the second time that day, into blackness.

I didn't die!!! What do you think of the Chapter?
I know it's kinda obvious which Hope will choose. Or is it? *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyway see you in the next chapter!
~Em xx

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