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    I cautiously stood under the sprawling branches of the whispering trees. The short message said to meet him here. Bow in hand, I waited warily for this cryptic man.

    Sensing a person behind me, I drew back my bow instinctively. All I heard was the sound of his heavy boots pressing into the dirt, mingled with the ambiance of the vast forest. As the winds grew colder, a chill was sent down my spine for I could feel his presence getting closer. Prevising countless ways of how this dubious encounter can go astray, my heart was beating rapidly. Finally, I decided to stop letting the suspense that has been torturing me to have its way, so I turned around and faced him.

    "I reckon it's time we're properly acquainted, don't you think?" He nearly sounded amused.

    "Prince Zyron."

    This meeting was all too apprehensive for my liking. I searched his face for anything that would entail duplicitous goals, any signs of this being a trick. As our breath began filling the silent gap between where we stood, I hesitated before cautiously lowering my bow.

    "Lady Wyetta, good to see that you have at least dropped some of your surmises. Now it's time for us to have a little talk."

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