18 | A Conversation

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TW : Small mentions of death.

    "Right, I'll start with a story," Aaron started. I loved hearing stories, so this better be great. I thought about something he had mentioned- him being Prince Zyron's mother's late guard.

    What had happened after her passing? As if reading my mind, he began answering all my silent questions.

    "Like I said, I was Princess Eady's guard- and we were great friends, too. She was young when she got married to Prince Oryn, 19. I was only 17 when I got to know her, and since the king and queen adored her so much, I was ordered to protect her and stay by her side daily. You see, I grew up in the castle, and was trained well by the wonderful guards there. She trusted me, too. When she got pregnant with Prince Zyron, she made me promise that I was to guard her baby boy at all times, no matter what."

    He paused for a few seconds, a hint of pain was written on his face, but he quickly masked it with a tiny smile. It must have been hard losing someone you spent all your hours with. I would know, that's certain. He cleared his throat and continued again.

    "She passed giving birth to Prince Zyron, and I kept my promise. I tried to never leave his side and still balanced my guard duties in the castle. Prince Oryn is not fond of me, to say the very least. He kept me there because the queen had a liking to how I did my job, and after the queen's passing, Prince Zyron had grown mature enough to make his own decisions. Now here I am, in  your home, telling you the tale."

    I had no clue if he made that up, or if he was actually sharing true words. Well, it doesn't matter anyways. None of that information would benefit me in any sort of situation.

    "That's riveting," I said with a smile, not wanting to be too rude for he could throw me in to their eerie dungeons any nanosecond now.

    "But I know for a fact that you did not travel all the way here just to tell me the royal family's tale. What information were you speaking about?" I asked curiously, determined to get to the bottom of this.

    I absolutely did not wish to waste another precious second of mine thinking about that cretinous prince. So what if the crowd swoons over him? The only thing I owned that was swooning for him is my arrow not getting past his thick-headed skull.

    That did not make very much sense, but it was still funny to think about. I smirked at the thought as I saw Aaron staring at me confusedly.

    "Is there something funny that I'm not aware of, my lady?" he asked, seeming truly confused.

    "You wish to know what's funny, sir? I'll tell you what is. This whole mess I got in to just because I decided to go practice archery- the exercise I chose for training my physique because I enjoyed it very much. Yet now everytime I thought about archery, I get bloody chills. Oh, and your generous Prince Zyron isn't leaving me alone just quite yet. Isn't that funny?"

    I offered him a genuine smile, seeing him staring at me with such intensity that did not look like desire or admiration at all.

    "Do listen here, milady. All I'm aware of was, Prince Oryn had wanted to arrest you, wanting to travel straight here himself with guards. When Prince Zyron denied, he ordered his men to put up 'Wanted' posters of you, not even offering bounty, might I add."

    Blimey, no bounty? My pride is deeply hurt by that. So there were wanted posters after all. Why was I not aware of my potraits being shown on the streets? I snapped out of my thoughts as he continued.

    "Prince Zyron and Princess Judith had asked him generously to put off his actually wise plan and had a chat with him in private, where as now you're still here in your home. If it weren't for His Highness, you would have been spending your nights in jail instead of in your bedroom."

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