25 | His Study

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TW : Mentions and implications of death and murder, mentions of death threats.

    "Why are you everywhere?" I grumbled. Now he's going to murder me for sure. How could I have been so reckless?

    "As far as I am concerned, Wyetta, it's my castle, and you're supposed to be right," he gestured towards the stairs leading to the dungeon, "there."

     "You're holding an in-"

    "Innocent? Your arrows were there, the hunters saw you next to the body. I'm no foolish man. Put everything together," he stated with a glare.

    "If you really believed I was guilty from the start, why didn't you arrest me right away?" I was genuinely perplexed by this.

    "Although you deem me as a cruel and unjust man- well, I might be cruel, but I am fair. I examined everything thoroughly, and that took time. Besides, shouldn't you be grateful?"

    I ignored the rest of his statements and focused on the first. "Speaking of fair, you are a royal providing safety for his people, correct?"

    I realized he stopped breathing and was trying to figure out what I had to say next. "Yes," he answered.

    "You do realize that I am also a citizen of Arvion, right? In other words, I'm one of your people. You heard how they slaughtered a guard's dog in my home, how I received many death threats, and what kind of protection have I received? Well I suppose that in the horrid dungeon of yours, I couldn't receive any threats," I said with evident disgust in my voice.

    He parted his mouth slightly, seemingly about to speak before he closed it again.

    "If you threw me in there before all the violence took place, I would have less complaints today. I deserve something after that chaos!" I cried out, pointing at my right- nowhere specific.

    A few seconds of silence passed until he broke it. "Come with me."

    I blinked. "Pardon me?"

    "Do you have hearing problems that I'm not aware of?"

    "My hearing is perfectly fine you addlepate!"

    "I'm dealing with a lot here. Your hearing problems and your inaccurate use of words. You have limited options, Wyetta. My study, or the dungeon."

    I didn't need to think twice. "Alright."

    The dungeon smelled like rats and now I'm graced with the presence of a pig. My, the castle should be an open zoo. Still, why would he take me to his study?

    He harshly grabbed my forearm and dragged me down the hall, spinning on the heel of his foot before taking large steps to his study.

    "Well no need to be so harsh about things Your Highness," I groaned mockingly.

    "Just be grateful I'm not throwing you back into the dungeon," he muttered, "nor am I handing you to the guards, you'd be dead if I do so."

     Receiving a harsh glare, I decided I'd just keep my mouth shut. There's a first time for everything.

    Now that it was nighttime, the hallways were swimming with darkness. The braziers and torches now illuminated the castle. A light emitted from the flames, colouring the dark hallways just enough to form its lines and curves.

    The yard was now cast with the night's dark shadows. The rose maze now seemed more eerie-looking. I always thought that the late princess would roam there at night. What was originally gorgeous walls made up of beautiful flowers now just seemed like a thorn bush; a death trap.

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