3| Althea

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TW : mentions of death, small mentions of sexual assault and/or harassment, hints towards stalking, violence, brief fighting, language, very, very subtle hints on emotional manipulation if you 'squint'.

    "Why hello there," I smiled at the fallow deer that stood in front of me. I stroked its soft fur, noticing that it seemed to appreciate it.

   My wooden bow was clenched tightly in hand, quiver wrapped tightly around my waist as I had promptly finished practicing archery. Now, I'm simply taking a small stroll in the woods.

    It had almost been a week since the invitation had gotten delivered to our house, 6 days to be precise, tomorrow being the day of the ball. In other words, tomorrow's Zyron's birthday. I still miss her, it's only been 2 months since her.. death.

    "Hosting a ball only 2 months after your daughter had passed away," I whispered softly, talking to no one in particular but to the deer, magnificent trees, and the wind whispering through the skinny, lanky tree branches.

    "We can't really blame anyone in particular, it is a tradition after all. Yet, it's all still quite absurd, isn't it?" I chuckled half-heartedly.

    "What's quite absurd?" a familiar voice echoed from behind me. My breath hitched in my throat since it's been so long since I've heard his voice.

    I spun around to see Louis Rolfe, casually standing there, leaning on one of the tall trees. Why do these people like to be where they're not wanted?

    "Hello Wyetta," he greeted. Goodbye Louis. I stared at him probably a second too long, and I opened my mouth to reply, only to realize nothing managed to come out.

    "Louis," I finally muttered.

    My head wasn't in its favorable place, but instead roaming to places I would prefer it not to visit.

    "Do you absolutely swear to keep this a secret?" I looked at her in disbelief, how dare she doubt my loyalty?

    "Althea Cirillo, are you kidding me? You trust me with your life but not with your little, dark, and dirty secret." I giggled, trying to defuse the tension.

    "I suppose you're right," she said, giggling along. "Alright, but you swear to take this to your grave?"

    "Cross my heart and hope to die," I smirked playfully.

    She smiled at my answer before hesitantly continuing, "I was going to try to take detours before spitting out the truth, but we both know eventually you'd just get tired of it and make me say it after wasting 'precious minutes of our time' so I'll just cut to the chase," she paused after the hurried rant to inhale a sharp breath before blurting it out.

    "I'm in love with Louis."

    We sat there in agonizing silence, fear written all over her pale face, waiting for my response, dreading almost. My face had shock etched in every nook and cranny. Of course, I'd thought she probably had a mere crush on him, but I didn't think she would be in love.

    "You're in love with Louis?" I repeated.

    "I am," she confirmed.


    Well this complicates things. Louis had just recently confessed his undying love for me a few weeks ago, and ever since then, he'd begun attempting to have me reciprocate his feelings, only causing the uncanny atmosphere coming off of him.

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