26 | The Maid

27 4 3

TW : mentions of murder

    I groaned as I buried my face beneath the surprisingly soft duvet. Whatever time it was, it was too early.

    I sleepily sat up and looked around. Where was I?

    Oh, that's right. The oh-so-grand palace.

    I squinted as the light beamed through the curtains, shining through to my eyes, almost blinding me from how bright it is. I looked around noticing a tray by the bedside table on the floor.

    Couldn't Zyron at least have put the bloody tray on a stool? What did he think I was, an animal?!

    I got out of the bed, grimacing at my disgusting condition. He could've placed me in a room with an attached bathroom in it for goodness' sake.

    I bent down and grabbed the tray, moving it over by the balcony. If I was having breakfast in dirty attire, at least I'd be doing it while enjoying a view. While doing so, I noticed a note placed underneath the pitcher of water.

    Huh, odd.

     I placed the tray down by the french balcony doors. Enjoying the view before settling down, I'll take advantage of any chance I'm given. In this case, a gorgeous view.

    Like the rest of the room, the wooden frames were painted white. Behind the large planes of glass peered a curved balcony, tall trees stood nearby. One of which peering over the balustrade, shadowing a corner close to the wall.

    The opposite side of the balcony portrayed the beautiful view of the yard. Well- not the entire yard, just enough to make out the outlines of what sits in the yard.

    The angle at which the balcony was placed made it perfect to peer over and get the best view of the gorgeous rose maze.

    I smiled softly as I glanced at the centre of the maze. In the middle sat a fountain. It wasn't in use now, it hasn't been in a long while.

    It had 5 gorgeous tiers, towering above the other. A large basin on the base, patterns carved into the sides. There used to be a gorgeous deutzia bush circling the rim of the basin.

    Of course, the flowers were now all dead and dried up, leaving an unsightly view of a cluster of dead twigs and branches around the fountain. But the memory of how gorgeous the deutzia bush used to look in its place was still vivid.

    Each tier was a different yet similar carved bowl of cast stone.

    Moss and vines crawling up its column, nature slowly taking over the stone features. Dead twigs and dried leaves gathered in each tier. A fuzzy layer of green moss coating the surface of the small body of water gathered in the basin. I wouldn't be surprised if there was even some algae floating around the small pool.

    A small curved bench by a wall of rose bushes. The branches of a nearby oak tree, shadowing a part of the maze, as well as a fraction of the centre along with a sole bench.

    I gently sat down on the floor, trailing my eyes down to the tray. I inspected what was placed on it. A white-porcelain pitcher of water, flowers painted onto the sides with a cup placed beside it. Bacon and eggs plated by the pitcher, along with some baked beans, sausages, tomatoes, and some stale bread. Wonderful.

    The note underneath the pitcher stood out like a sore thumb. I sighed as I reached over to grab it, making sure to be careful enough so that I won't knock over the pitcher.

    'Wyetta' scrawled in fancy lettering inked onto the envelope, I opened and mentally prepared myself to read.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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