23 | Prisoner

99 61 23

TW : Blood, mentions of guns, mentions torture, death threats, death/murder, brief mentions of fire.

    With a full quiver wrapped around my waist and a bow clutched in my left hand, I headed back in the manor from the storage room. I'll be off to the same clearing in the woods for this next meet up with the glorious, and oh-so-wonderful Prince Zyron. Can't say I'm thrilled about it.

    I walked past the many doors, stumbling across my parents room. As I raised my hand to knock on the door, informing them of my leave, my thoughts were interrupted with what they were saying inside.

    "Business has been going down lately," I heard my father sigh.

    "Why's that?" Mother responded. I have a good idea why, but I kept listening anyways.

    "Apparently the people see us as parents to a murderer," father revealed. "Of course, I'm sure Wyetta isn't a murderer. I know it. But anyone else outside of this manor doesn't," father's muffled voice explained.

    I lowered my hand- not certain on how to react after what I just heard- and decided it was best if I were to just have a guard or a maid inform them of my leave. Slowly backing away, I headed for the front door, deciding to just leave as soon as possible. Maybe I can slip in some good practice while waiting for the prince.

    "Oh, Aelyn!" I called out, seeing her pass by.

    "Yes ma'am?" she asked while walking up to me.

    "Please inform mother and father that I'm going out to meet Prince Zyron," I instructed. "Again." I sighed at that.

    "Yes ma'am." She nodded knowingly. "Is there anything else I could assist you with?" she kindly offered.

    "That should be it for now, and thank you." I smiled and waved. I said a brief 'see you in a jiffy' as I walked away, accepting one in return. Going in the direction of the gates, I sharply inhaled a deep breath; preparing myself before having to face Zyron again.

    "Lady Wyetta!" I heard a voice call out from behind me. Turning my head, I saw Aspen chasing after me.

    "Aspen?" I called out in confusion. "Blimey, are you alright?"

    "I'm perfectly fine, Wyetta. But this letter was addressed to you, thought I'd hand it over before you left."

    "Oh, a letter?" Is it possible that Zyron had cancelled our meeting?

    "Yes, here you go. I'll let you read that in silence." With a hand across his abdomen, he bowed and turned on his heel, running back inside the manor.


    I plopped myself softly on the lush, and slightly damp grass, carpeting the little opening in the woods. Letting my fingers trace the ground, coming across the occasional dandelions and wild daisies, little splotches of moss coating the dirt.

    I'd finished a quick practice session, shooting tree barks and branches. Now I'm currently sat on the ground, legs crossed, hands rested on my knees as I clutched the letter tightly in my grasp.

    I turned the envelope in every direction possible to try and see who had sent it. Nothing.

    Sighing, I ripped it open. Inspecting the letter to see if it could give any hints on who sent it; but to no avail, none. Not even a signature.

'My sweet little Wyetta,

I'm certain that through all the torture I've put you through, you're still as detestable as ever. You see, my depravity has grown to new heights while orchestrating your pain. I'm not anywhere close to being finished though. I'll continue until the ends of the earth to strip you of everything you hold dear. I'll slaughter your family slowly and painfully. One by one will they die while I force the rest of them to watch.

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