11| The Vial

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TW: Mentions of fainting, blood, mentions of death.

    I slowly blinked my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows as I raised my heavy head. The only light source was the moonlight shining bright on my covers since the curtains weren't drawn. I looked around the best I could in the dark and saw that I was lying on my cozy bed, but when and how did I get here?

    I looked around confusedly to try and figure out what was going on. A sharp pain struck my head after shaking my head too hard. "Ow!" I said while placing my head on my hands, hoping the pain would go away eventually.

    "Oh," I heard a masculine voice say. I shot my head towards the speaker, eyes as wide as saucers. "You're awake. I'm so sorry I fell asleep," Aspen sighed in relief, probably because I'm now awake. Aspen.

    "Aspen?" I whispered faintly. "Wh- what-" 

    "You fainted about two hours ago in my arms, Wyetta. Do you remember?" What? When did-? I tried to recall my memories. Archery, broken arrow- ah, that.

    The memory was a blur, but it was there. I chuckled softly. "Of course," I said getting up, trying to ignore the pain in my head. "I was crying from those stupid thoughts... and as expected, I had to faint like the pathetic little weakling I am. I'm sorry for troubling you, Aspen," I said emphasizing the 'stupid' and muttering the last part.

    "Hey, Wyetta." When I ignored him, he decided to stride to the other side of my bed near the window where I was standing, gazing at the moon. "Wyetta," he tried again. 

    "Hm? The moon is very captivating. It's beautiful."

    Now I was the one stalling and giving the weather talk. Pft, something's certainly wrong with me. 

    "Wyetta, look at me," Aspen started. "You're not weak- hell, you're one of the strongest woman I know. You don't tell people what's going on inside there," he stated before touching my forehead gently.

    I turned to face him, looking at different parts of his face but his eyes. Interesting brown hair, they look very soft. "What shampoo do you use?" I queried. 

    He sighed. "You're really avoiding this talk, aren't you?"

    I hummed in response. "I'll be alright, Aspen. Thank you for not giving up on me." Finally meeting his hazel eyes, I gave him a smile to assure him. 

    "I can't lose you, Wyetta. I lost my family, my sister. I couldn't lose you too, not when life offered me another brother role." Oh, so I wasn't the only one who needed assurance.

    I took his hand in mine before saying, "She's probably watching you, just like how Althea is watching over me. She was lucky enough to know for nine years of her life. Anyone would be lucky to get to know you, Aspen. I'm grateful for you here, and I don't know what I would do without you."

    He smiled warmly at me, turning to face the window. His family died in a vicious slaughter, and that's all I know. He and father never told me much, and I didn't want to question too far. He would tell me when he wishes to. I meant what I told him, though. He's always been there to break my fall.

    "Lady Eleanor and Sir Alan let me stay with you tonight," he broke the comfortable silence, "but I could leave if you-"

    "Stay," I interrupted hastily. "Stay, please." My tone was hushed. "I trust you to stay, Aspen," I repeated once more. 

    Slowly, he gestured for me to get back in bed. "Of course, Wyetta." 

    As I sat down comfortably on my bed, he strode back to his chair by my bed. "Wait, no. Where would you sleep?" I didn't properly think this through.

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