6| Threats

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TW : Mentions of relationship affairs, mentions of death, strong language, threats (hinting towards death threats).

    The following dreaded morning, Mary, Cara, Amber, and mother herself, tried to calm me down as much as possible. Father was busy doing heavens know what in his study. He reassured me when I saw him this morning, reminding me that everything will be okay soon, and that I had absolutely nothing to worry about.

    If only he knew how completely wrong he was.

    I was trying to relax in my bathtub, drowning my ridiculous problems in the warm calming waters, when someone knocked twice on my bathroom. "Lady Wyetta, it's Cara. I'm sorry to interrupt your bath, but I have a message from Lady Eleanor. She asked if you're nearly done with your bath yet," she delivered.

    Mother never interrupts me for no reason, and I was simply curious what the reason for this was. "Give me a minute, Cara. I'll be right there. Don't leave just yet, please wait for me," I pleaded. I was getting a tad bit nervous, fearing that she and father had news I didn't want to hear.

    "Of course, Lady Wyetta. I am right outside your door. Would you like me to help you get ready, ma'am?" she offered. I was stepping out of my bath, carefully taking a dry white towel and my black bathrobe. 

    "Yes, please. Give me another minute."

    I dried myself quickly, and slipped on my comfortable bathrobe before opening my bathroom door and stepping into my slightly cold bedroom. I shivered and said, "I definitely need to get dressed. Thank you for staying, Cara, really." I whispered the last part, meaning what I said with all my heart.

    "Certainly, ma'am. I hate to say this but, you look like you desperately need a warm embrace, ma'am. It's painful to see you dragging yourself here and there wearily. Your eyes look... empty. I'm sorry, it's none of my business, and I didn't mean it rudel-"

    I turned to face her and interrupted her worried ramble. "Cara, thank you for paying attention. It actually means a lot to see that people are trying to take care of me, and it's one of the reasons I'm also trying to fix myself. You weren't rude, don't worry about it."

    I stepped towards her giving her a hug, and heard her sniffling softly. I waited a few seconds longer before pulling back, and searching her face for anything that would help me to also understand her better. I wanted to help people too.

    "Cara, cara- what's wrong?" I questioned softly. 

    "Thank you, you are far too kind to us, ma'am. Kieran... we were lovers, until one day he had an affair with another young beautiful girl. But even after all that, my heart was still his. I still love him even after his horrible deeds. It broke my heart when I received the news- but is it bad to say that a minor, tiny part of me was happy that he's gone? That's an awful thing to say," she paused for a few short seconds as if looking for consent to continue. 

    I smiled and mouthed, "Go on."

    "After the affair, ma'am, he still wouldn't leave me alone. Why are men- why did he act like that? He had an affair, and I wanted to live my own life. Start fresh, but even something as simple as that he couldn't grant me. He started appearing out of nowhere when I go to the market- shopping for the manor's food. I don't know... I hope he doesn't haunt me, though," she said jokingly.

    I couldn't help but laugh at that. If you're standing here, damn you, Kieran. Oh, and don't haunt her. Leave the poor girl alone.

    "Thank you for trusting me with your worries, Cara. It feels good being able to listen to someone else's worries instead of just my own. I hate the feeling of being the only helpless one, and I really wish to gain back the feeling of being able to help someone," I confessed.

Dawn of The New LordOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora