7| A Little Chat

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TW: Brief mentions of murder or deaths, emotional numbness,

'Prince Zyron,

Please know that there is absolutely no chance you would believe this but I didn't do it. I know how much evidence is aimed towards me, and I know how believable it all seems, but I swear on my life that I did NOT murder Kieran. I don't think that you'll believe me, nor do I have any hope you will. I just thought I was ought to put it out there.

Yours sincerely,

     I sighed as skimmed through the letter once more, proofreading it for the millionth time since I finished writing the letter before I finally folded the sheet of paper and tucked it into the envelope, sealing it off and addressing it.

     I was tempted to reread it one more time, but I decided that it's just best if I didn't. I got out of my room, slowly treading my way down the stairs, cringing at every creak when I step my foot on a loose wooden panel or flinching at each noise coming from my surroundings.

    Whether it's my door closing, the occasional footsteps as the maids and guards walked by, or the snipping sounds from the gardener outside the window, sculpting the overgrown leaves of our manicured lawn.

    Ever since that night in the woods, I'd been much more paranoid about everything, much more alert of my surroundings, much easier to scare; and I hate it. I feel helpless, I hate this engrossing numbness slowly consuming each inch of my mental and physical being.

    My brain hasn't been able to function properly ever since that night, and I'd just been feeling like a hopeless ragdoll. Each step I take, each breath I inhale, each sight I see, it all seems scripted, like I'm in a movie without even knowing it.

    I snap out of my thoughts once I reach my front doors, I hesitated before stepping out, nodding and smiling curtly to the gardener, heading towards the gates, "Good morning, Lady Wyetta, where are you headed to today?" Julian questioned formally.

    Me and Julian were never really close. We'd have small chats here and there, but he was one of the more strict guards who followed the rules by book with near to no exceptions.

    "Good morning Julian, I'm headed to send a letter, but judging by the cold glares thrown towards me, I might just not go at all," I stated, looking past the metal bars that stood in front of me. Through the bars I could see some parents ushering their children in the field away if I were to as near as glance anywhere near them.

    I sighed as I turned back around, my actions halted as Julian spoke up. "I could deliver the letter for you, if you would like that," he offered.

    "Are you sure?"

    "Of course, my Lady." He smiled warmly as I looked past the gates, before back at him.

    "You sure you don't mind?"

    "Not at all."

    I held up the letter, looking at it one more time before handing it to him. "I've already addressed the letter, the stamp is there and everything, you just need to give this to them and come back."

    "Yes, milady." He nodded, grasping the letter in his hands.

    "Thank you," I said with a hint of gratefulness in my voice.

    "Of course, milady, you shouldn't need to thank me," he said with a grin. I watched him as he headed off to town to send my letter.

    I miss going out to town and the village to just walk about, occasionally having a little chat with the villagers. It's only been 2 days, but I miss the clearing in the woods where I could shoot some arrows with no one but the beaten up scarecrow and the trees around me, creating almost a wall around me, letting me- just for a small second- forget about all my problems.

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