8| The Guards

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TW: Mentions of panic attacks, guns (just mentions, nothing gorey).

    "Aspen!" I exclaimed delightfully. He turned his head towards me, looking around before letting his formal facade melt away. 

    "Good morning, Wyetta. It seems like you're in a much better mood than previous days," he said lightly, stepping towards me who was currently sitting on the grass after sharpening my arrows.

    "Well after about two to three days of aggressively shooting arrows and one panic attack per day, I'm bound to feel some sort of relief," I humoured lightly, a hint of dark humour and light sarcasm laced in my words.

    Aspen looked at me sternly before shaking his head. "Don't joke about things like that, Wyetta," he stated, grunting as he plopped himself down on the grass beside me. "Or at least not with anyone besides me. I, unlike any other ones of the guards and maids, have a terrific sense of humour," he said with a cocky smile plastered across his face.

    "Oh goodness." I sighed playfully as he chuckled lightly.

    He stared at what I was wearing before gasping, actual shock written all over his face. "Wyetta... what in the heavens are you wearing?!"

    I glanced down at my trousers- which I had stolen from father's old pile- before looking back up at him. "Trousers, are you having troubles with your vision?"

    "La- Wyetta, women are not allowed to wear trousers and you know that." He said as he sighed, shaking his head in the process.

    "How have you been?" I questioned suddenly, diverting his attention to a whole new matter. He was right. If anyone saw me like this, they would report me to mother, and the policemen too, most probably.

    "I'm okay. How about you?" he asked back as he smiled. 

    "I've definitely been better," I shrugged, "but considering the situation, I'm okay... I guess," I trailed off. He nodded understandingly, changing the topic to something entirely different; thankfully.

    "How's your archery skills, you said you'd been shooting a bunch of arrows. Gotten any better yet?" 

    "What's that supposed to mean?" I scoffed. 

    "Hey- I'm just saying," he laughed, raising his hands helplessly in defense. "By the amount of time you'd been spending back here, I'd expect that you've gotten at least half as decent as me," he joked.

    "Are you saying I'm bad at archery?" 

    "You said that, not me," a mischievous smirk found its way to his face as he said that. 

    "Ugh, you're unbelievable," I rolled my eyes playfully. 

    "Am I now?" he laughed. I tried to look annoyed but failed miserably. He has one of the most contagious laughs.

    He walked towards the storage room of where we kept our extra bows, arrows, quivers, targets, and probably a couple daggers, a potential sword and one or two guns... well- or 7 for self defense purposes and emergency situations.

    "Up for a little match to prove that?" He taunted, holding up a bow and a quiver stuffed with arrows in his hands. 

    "You bet," I grinned, grabbing my bow and quiver, also filled with arrows.


    "I'm just saying this- no hard feelings whatsoever- but I personally think I absolutely destroyed you at this," I said confidently, hands on my hips as I was inspecting the target boards in front of us. He instantly shot his head to face me. 

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