14| Letters

186 152 41

TW : Mentions of blood, (death) threats, mentions of death, mentions of fire (arson).

    What time was it? Did I even sleep at all? I twisted my upper body slightly to reach for my clock which read 1PM. Four hours? That did not feel like four hours. Groaning, I rolled down the side of my bed, falling on my velvet carpet. 

    "Oomph!" I heard someone knocking twice on my door. What now?

    "Come in," I said to whoever was on the other side of the door. I saw a concerned guard stepping one foot in, still keeping his other foot out in the hallway.

    "I heard a sound, ma'am. Are you all right?" he asked while looking around. I looked around my room with him, not noticing anything wrong.

    "I didn't hear anything, sir. Ooh wait, that was me. I rolled off the bed," I said while laughing. I had just come to a realization that he couldn't see me properly when he questioned me.

    "Urm... where are you, milady?"

    I hopped on my bed before drawing back the white curtains hung across the canopy as I grinned at him.

     "Right here, sir." I chuckled, getting up to draw back the rest of the curtains. He chuckled lightly as he helped draw back the last curtain. Oh he stepped in.

     "Are you okay, milady?" I looked at him before answering.

    "Well considering what's happened within the past couple of hours, I'm peachy, but if you're talking about the fall I'd just taken, I'm certainly fine," I chuckled.

    "Yes, ma'am. I'll leave now. Pardon me for interrupting your noon," he apologized, bowing and leaving the room.

    I sighed. I still had a long day ahead of me. What was it I wished to do earlier... Aha! Sending a lovely letter to the all too kind Zyron.

       Now... What to write?


    "Mary," I called. We were still- well, I was still in my bedroom, where I could have peace and quiet to write the letter declaring my 'love' for Zyron.

    "Yes, my lady? Are you finished?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips.

    I nodded before handing the sealed letter to her. "Could you make sure he receives it? Just have someone send it. The mail carrier, perhaps?"

    "Yes, certainly." She curtsied before quickly leaving the room. Well that leaves me alone with my thoughts. I stood up from the chair, making my way to one of my chest of drawers. Kneeling down, I opened the bottom drawer, taking out all the notes and letters I've received from the prince. It's good to store evidence. The feeling of those familar papers in my hands- argh. Yikes. Beautiful paper used for such cruelty. It was such a pity waste.

    I closed the drawer before standing up, fixing up my dress a tad bit. Mother would be so proud. I grimaced at the thought of me just fixing my dress. Trying to forget about it, I exited the room with the letters clutched in my hand.

    As I headed towards the sitting room, I passed by a few guards who bowed and nodded at me along the way.

    "Good afternoon, Lady Wyetta," greeted a maid. It was afternoon already? How quick.

    "Good afternoon, erm... My apologies, what's your name?" I asked with an apologetic smile on my face.

    "It's Juliette, ma'am." Pretty name.

    "Right, Juliette. See you around," I smiled, giving her a curt nod as I watched her curtsy. Thank heavens I didn't need to do that. Splendid feeling to just 'nod and smile'.

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