13| The Shed

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TW: Arson (or fire), brief mentions of beheading (nothing violent or detailed).

    Aspen had still been in shock over his dog's sudden passing, leading me to where I am now; sprinting to the shed alone with the guard in front of me after excusing myself from Aspen to check on the situation.

    I came to a halt as I saw a raging fire with smoke floating far above, flying away to reach the clouds. The fire was growing larger as the guards and maids panicked, some hauling buckets of water, dumping them on the burnt shed, and some stood there in fear and worry. My parents stood an equal distance from the fire as me in the opposite direction.

    "Wh- how did this happen?!" I exclaimed, I might've shrieked, who knows, there's a burning shed in front of us for goodness' sake.

    "No one knows ma'am, one minute we were searching for the missing schedule sheet; the next, there's a fire," the guard informed. 

    "Well bloody hell where are the firefighters?" I questioned outrageously. 

    "No idea, ma'am, but they're definitely not on their way here. It would take them five to ten minutes tops to get here, and this fire's been going on for almost fifteen minutes now." Blimey! Were me and Aspen back there for that long?

    "Well then, get the hose!" I said in an obvious tone. 

    "Yes ma'am," he nodded, scurrying off to fetch the hose to extinguish the raging fire. This was ridiculous!

    After at least an hour of hosing down the fire, we finally managed to extinguish the burning down shed.

    Sighing in relief, I headed over to see what was salvageable among the ashes and soot. I turned over each wooden plank to see if anything that I could still save was hiding underneath the shadows, only to no avail, I found nothing.

    Repeatedly, I turned over each plank, unafraid to get my hands and dress covered in soot. Coming across a long, curved shape, I pulled it out, cautiously. All that was in here were just broken bows and dull, worn out arrows. Yikes, broken bows. The agony.

    Gathering all the left overs, we piled them up by the burnt down shed- now just a lump of soaked wooden plants, soot and ashes- and went through them seeing what we could save. To be completely honest, I don't know why we were doing this. We never really used the shed. It was just a storage room for things we would never use again but didn't want to throw out.

    "All these bows are trash, so are the arrows, none of these are even capable of being used," I hummed. All the bowstrings were burnt off, and if they were still on the bows, they were either broken in two or just random strands of string. 

    Similar situation for the arrows, either they weren't even good for use, or they were just absolute trash. The tip was either chipped off or duller than a butter knife, and the feathers were all clumped together.

    "None of these were even used in the first place, so why would anyone have the need to burn the shed down?" I muttered in confusion.

    "Lady Wyetta, ma'am." A guard approached as he bowed. 

    "Yes?" I questioned, taking deep breaths in case they had bad news.

    "We found nothing out of place through the pile of..." He gestured at the pile of burnt things.

     "Yes, that. Do continue," I said, letting out a relieved breath when it wasn't bad news.

    "Well, ma'am, we couldn't tell what started the fire, but we do think it was the same person who caused chaos today."

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