12| Dagger & Blood

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TW: Blood, deaths,  brief mentions of fire (specifically arson), false accusations, hints towards torture.

    Just- why. That was a perfect word. Why? Out of everyone else in this world, why me?

    Why am I the murder suspect? Why am I the target? What did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong?

    I rubbed my temples as I sat down tiredly. I looked around the room, each guard sat in their seats, Mary stood by the fireplace facing me. Where did time go? How did all of this happen so quickly yet so slowly?

    It felt like reading a cheesy, extremely slow-burn romance novel where the two love interests are dumber than a strand of cat's hair.

    "So no one saw who hung the vial on the gate?" I questioned one last time. I looked around the room as the guards all shook their heads. My head was aching. It was dawn for goodness sake! Any normal person would be sound asleep at this ungodly hour.

    "Who's shift was it anyway?" I said, crossing my arms, I watched as the guards exchanged nervous glances with each other, seriously? "Isn't there some written schedule on a sheet of paper hung up by the post by the gates?"

    "It wasn't there ma'am," a guard finally spoke up. 

    I looked at him incredulously. "It isn't there?" 

    "No ma'am, it isn't," he responded. I sat up, fixing my posture as I took in a deep breath.

    I am a sloth, I am a peaceful sloth. There is absolutely no need to throw a fit, or cause a scene. I am one of the most peaceful animals in the world; I am a calm, peaceful sloth.

    "How isn't there a schedule? Did someone take it off?" I finally spoke after a few deep breaths.

    "It seems like it, ma'am," he responded. 

    "Right, uh, can you al-" Right as I was about to go and inspect the sheet myself, the door burst open.

    "I'm terribly sorry for interrupting, milady. Aspen, there seems to be something in your room, and I think you and Lady Wyetta would like to see it for yourselves," the chief guard stated. Me and Aspen exchanged confused glances. What now?

    "Alright, uh.. all of you stay here as Aspen and I head over to see what's going on," I instructed as I got up along with Aspen.

    "What seems to be the problem, chief?" I asked as we stepped outside the meeting room. 

    "I think it would be better to see it for yourself," he stated simply, causing me and Aspen to once again furrow our brows together.

    "What could possibly be in my room? I haven't been there since yesterday evening," Aspen said- or asked- confusedly. After a few minutes of walking silently towards the guard's chambers, Aspen gestured towards a door that looked identical with the others.

    Puzzled, I opened the door to Aspen and his dorm mate's rooms. I looked around to see where this 'urgent' thing was. "Nothing seems to be out of place, chief," I muttered, loud enough for them to hear. 

    "I think you'd be singing a different tune after seeing that," the chief said, pointing at Aspen's bed, I followed where his finger was pointing to see a bloody dagger sat on his bed.

    My loud gasp was quickly followed by Aspen's. "Wyetta, I swear I didn't do anything," he said frantically. I tried to compose myself before finally opening my mouth to reply.

    "Have all the other guards come over- mainly the one who shares their room with Aspen- to see if any of them recognize this dagger, or if anyone saw who planted this here. And also to look into whether or not Aspen really didn't do anything with it," I instructed, glancing at the chief.

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