16| Broken

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TW : Mental breakdown(s), emotional burnout and all things related to that, mentions of death threats, mentions of deaths.

    My focused eyes scanned through the letters in my hands over and over again, almost not pausing to even give my poor eyes the rest they needed. What is rest anyways?

    Each word was staring back at me, almost floating off the fancy sheets of paper. The words were screaming loudly at me ; I could hear them ringing through my ears; jumping in front of my face.

    Words from both letters were clashing against the other, like oil and water, fire and droplets of rain. Every part of me was screaming at me for believing the letter that was supposedly sent from 'real Zyron' instead of the many threats and letters from the 'fake Zyron'.

'Lady Wyetta,

I certainly had fun bringing down the shed. Burning's quite rude, don't you think? How's the poor dog- right. He's deceased. Dead is also a very harsh word, my 'lady'. You have my deepest condolences.



    My eyes ran through each word again and again. Could it really be? Has it really not been Zyron this entire time?

'Lady Wyetta,

From gathering the information you had given me in your previous letter, I don't necessarily find the need for any form of formality. Now that that's out the window, I think you must be mistaken. To say I'm furious at the huge possibility of you murdering Kieran? That's out of the question, for the answer is far too obvious. But for me to send such threats?

We both know I would never stoop as low as murdering a stupid dog. I know better than doing such actions. I would suggest you double-check with your sources.


     For the tenth time within this entire episode of weird events taking place, my head was on the verge of exploding.

    I paced around the room, the two letters in my hands, ignoring the concerned looks my parents were mirroring.

    "Wyetta, I really thi-"

    "How could it have not been him?!" I burst out, hands falling helplessly down my side.

    "Wyetta, darling, I really think you should take a seat and calm down-"

    "No- what? Calm down?!" I scoffed ridiculously. This whole situation was ridiculous.

    "Bloody hell there's a ruthless killer on the loose- might I add- we're being heavily affected by whoever this insane murderer is. I was framed for murder, our bloody shed- despite us never really using it- was burnt down for fun! Aspen's dog was brutally murdered in the most viciously barbaric way possible, a vial of blood was hung on our gates with no one to even witness who had done it because some git ditched their post!"

    I closed my eyes for a second. This was the first time I had really listed- exclaimed everything that was happening around me currently out loud. Wow, my life's a mess.

    "Yeah, I think it's better if I sat down," I breathed out.

    Mother gratefully looked at me finally sitting down.

    "Deep breaths," father instructed. I tried doing so, calming down a tad bit.

    "Feeling better?" Father asked gently, I nodded with my eyes closed, resting my face in my hands.

    "Much better, thanks," I thanked them gratefully.

    "Now," mother finally spoke up, "what exactly makes you think that Zyron didn't do all... this," she motioned her arms around in the air, drawing a huge circle representing everything that was thrown at us.

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