17 | His Message

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TW : Mentions of murder

    I ended up sleeping through the short day, waking up at night just to sit and stare blankly at the couch across my bed. I was so tired and certainly did not feel like moving. It was a self-pity day, one I usually loathe. Well, as a matter of fact, that day was over now. 

    I fell deep in to slumber again and woke up at 8AM with the sound of birds chirping outside my window. Staring blankly at my ceiling not wanting to move, I contemplated my plans for today. More sleeping? No- Wyetta, let us not. But my bed adores me, though. No no- alright, time to get out of bed 'missy'. 

    I sulkily got out of bed, idly trudging towards my black robe and putting it on. Black over white- no, actually, I could not really decide. My silly wandering thoughts were drifting further and further from what I was supposed to be focused on. 

    As I put on my slippers, I tripped over one of them and fell with a sharp thud. I saw someone opening the door and running towards me. 

    "Hi, Cara. I tripped over my adorable fuzzy slippers," I said with a sloppy grin. 

    "Lady Wyetta, you should really be more careful," she exclaimed with a huge sigh of relief, seeing that I was okay. What could I say? I'm excellent, well- and very clumsy. 

    "Yes, indeed. Oh my, you're a genius Cara! I never thought of that. I surely would be more careful-" I was interrupted with her huffing, fascination of my sarcasm evident there. How brilliant! 

    "Wyetta," she huffed, a tired smile slowly creeping on her lips. I giggled, getting up with her help. Smoothing out my gown, I looked up at her. 

    "Are mother and father up yet?" They're normally up by 7 sharp in the morning, so unless they managed to get as sleep deprived as I was, it would be a shock if they weren't up. 

    "They're awake," Cara replied. "They're currently in the study room. The last I saw them, they were focused on the pile of of letters you had me bring to you the other night," she informed. 

    I winced slightly at the mention of the letters, managing to hide it well judging from the lack of reaction on Cara's expressions. Either that or she's just a terrific actress. 

    "Right. Thank you, Cara," I thanked her with a smile. "So, what's for breakfast?" I clapped in a highly exaggerated cheerful tone. 

    She smiled slightly at my questionable antics. "Today, we have bacon and scrambled eggs with a side of baked beans," she responded. My eyes widened, lighting up like a Christmas tree.

    "Well don't mind if I just dig in," I said joyously, watching as Cara laughed and shook her head at me. 

    "Come on now, milady. Let's get some filling food in your system, oh! Don't forget to brush your teeth and take a quick shower," she smiled knowingly, raising a brow. 

    "Oh blimey, you're right," I giggled, heading to my wide bathroom.

    I dragged my hand along the white- and some black- tiles of the bathroom wall. I gave my favourite part of the bathroom a longing glance, the bath. It's just so relaxing to lie in there with bubbles and warm water. 

    There's really nothing like it, and if it weren't for the food Cara mentioned, I would be soaking myself in there already. Blimey, now I desperately longed for a warm bath. 

    I headed out as soon as I finished getting ready to see Cara standing by the door, opening it for me as I approached. 

    "Why thank you, 'milady'," I thanked, curtsying slightly as I spoke in a posh accent, trying to imitate the royals. She giggled as we walked out- now laughing. 

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