22 | Questions

115 75 30

TW : Small mentions of murder
    "It has recently been brought up to me that Lady Wyetta always has 24 arrows in her quiver, and the night of the awful incident, she came back with all 24 arrows. None were missing or left behind. Can anyone confirm this?" Prince Zyron questioned.

    The past hour has been duller than those arrows from the shed. It took everything in me to not slump and sigh. I was reading a bloody wonderful book this morning, and this situation was so very drab in comparison.

    I watched as a blonde guard slowly raised his head, straightening his posture before slipping out a light cough to signal that he was about to say something. Prince Zyron nodded, gesturing for him to proceed.

    "I can confirm that Lady Wyetta came back with all 24 arrows, Your Highness," the guard stated with confidence.

    I stared as Prince Zyron slowly nodded again, this time approvingly, and anyone could see the gears turning in his head. "Very well, thank you," he said. I could see the doubt floating on the surface, his brows knitted together. He seemed deep in thought, as was I. Why did this have to happen?

    Kieran, you prat. Why did you have to drop dead, leading us to this episode of events? I wasn't being fair either. He was the victim. Who murdered you, Kieran? I was hoping that he would hear me thinking about him and send me a clue. A few seconds later, I realized that it was not possible. Oh well, it was worth a try.

    "Alright, I've asked enough questions for today and I will be leaving soon. Thank you for your pleasant service, Lady Wyetta," he thanked ever-so-graciously.

    "My pleasure, Your Highness," I gritted through my teeth. I'm surprised he hasn't given off any negative reactions for my sarcasm yet. By now I would've expected him to throw some sort of insult for it.

    Watching as he thanked father and mother for their help, I waited impatiently for him to leave. Let's not overstay your welcome, Prince Zyron. Of course, I didn't express my thoughts aloud. A second later, I just realized I had a few questions for him.

    "Wait, Prince Zyron." At the mention of his name, he turned his head. "I'll walk you out, if you'd like." My eyes were trying to tell him I had both questions and statements. As if reading my mind, he nodded and stood where he was.

    I quickly whirled to face the guards who were still stood straight. "You're all dismissed. Thank you," I stated. I raised my hand and gently gestured for them to leave.

    "Yes ma'am," they chanted in unison and with salutes. "Your Highness." After politely bidding their farewells, they marched towards the hallways, heading back to their own shifts.

    I pointed towards the doors and strutted there, expecting Prince Zyron to follow. When we were outside, I slowed down before speaking.

    "So, are you not going to suddenly harass me with your royal guards? Or would you throw me in a delightfully reserved dungeon cell with my beautiful name on its door? Wait, are you going to have them capture me in my sleep and have me wake up to the royal room service in the dungeons?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

     I'll be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if that were to happen. It's been a month and yet nothing but threats have been thrown our way. It was quite suspicious that I haven't been captured for cruel murder. Plus, the victim was a royal's friend.

    "A month is quite a long delay for punishing a third-degree murder don't you think?" I queried further.

    He turned his head to face me as we walked slowly, rolling his eyes at my statement. We were heading to our manor's garden now.

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