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Hello everyone!!

Welcome to 'Dawn of The New Lord'.

Before you start reading, we would like to notify you all of a couple of things.


This book contains mentions of deaths, blood, suicide, blackmail, and it covers a couple of gory and violent subjects.

If any of these topics trigger you in any way, we would kindly advise you to possibly not proceed any further on this book.

We will still put up warnings at the beginning of each chapter so that if you would like to continue to read this book, you can do so knowing what to look out for in each chapter (that may be triggering for you).

We would like to have a fun & friendly environment, so if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything.

Kindly try to not leave any offensive or hate comments towards anyone.
If you have input, feel free to leave a comment! We would love reading comments here.

And finally, we wrote this book for fun, and we sincerely hope you will enjoy it!



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