20 | Rendezvous

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TW : Small mentions of threats, very small mentions of murder.

    I watched intently at my dragon-carved arrow currently flying through the cold air, the dark clouds still luminously hovering above my head. The dark-tinted sky tenaciously staring down at me.

    Archery at dawn was one thing I'd never exactly tried out, but had enjoyed nonetheless. The cold breeze whispering through the trees, the clouds swimming in the sky, as if it was a huge, dark pool.

    I'd woken up about half an hour ago. I hadn't been able to sleep since which led to me slipping out of my room, into the dark with a bow and a quiver filled of arrows, currently standing in the manor's backyard shooting arrows to a wooden mannequin in the dark.

    It's the day I had to confront Zyron. Aspen had collected his letter yesterday evening, and kindly passed it to me.

'Lady Wyetta,

I heard Aaron had popped in for a little visit, and I also heard that you had agreed to meet me. Good for you. It's about time you made wise decisions that benefited you and your other party.

As I had mentioned before, as much as I would despise to be graced with your presence, a murderer, I'll do this for the greater good.

Meet me in the clearing in the woods- where a beaten up scarecrow with arrow holes stand; if you know which one I'm talking about. I expect you to be there by noon, 12PM sharp.

See you there.

- Zyron.’

    Julian, the guard who had been guarding my door, was definitely startled by my appearance at such a late hour. There wasn't much he could do though in this current situation. If I was up and wanted to shoot some arrows, I'll do just that, regardless the time.

    I reached to grasp another arrow in my hands only to find out I had already shot the last of my arrows. I huffed as I walked over towards the mannequin to inspect how precise or messy my aims were.

    A couple on its head, a couple on its chest, no more and no less than one single arrow by its groin. I smirked, chuckling silently as I plucked the arrow off, unintentionally plucking it quite violently if I do say so myself.

    Placing the bundle of black arrows back in my quiver, I headed back to where I had previously stood before starting to shoot more arrows.


    About an hour later the manor had started to slowly wake up. I headed to the library to try and distract my mind from the inevitable sleepiness slowly consuming me. The amount of times I’d waken up at dawn was now uncountable. My sleep schedule had never been this messy before.

    I was up by dawn, asleep my noon, awoken by night, asleep an hour before being awaken by dawn again. Some nights I don’t even sleep. I was either just not tired, or my thoughts were too loud.

    I shut the heavy library doors behind me as I looked around, inhaling deeply, letting the oddly-comforting scent of old books fill my nose. There was nothing like books.

    I walked over to the shelves, trailing my fingers on the spines of each book, slowly trailing my eyes across each title. Finally,  I picked one out to read.

    I sat down and leaned back in a large and soft armchair, opening the book, and I had barely skimmed over the first few lines when I heard a distinct voice call out from the distance.

    "Lady Wyetta?"

    I groaned out loud, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

    Was it really a crime to just have an hour off? I would rather get thrown in the eerie dungeon at this point. At least in there, I'd have some wonderful free time. No one would remember my existence.

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