24 | The Dungeon

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TW : Mentions of murder, hints towards having psychological issues and/or mental illnesses, mentions of death, very subtle guilt tripping, and a skull.

    My poor wrists were aching so much from the ropes and how tight they were tied together. With my mouth still stuffed and hands tied, I was led through the castle. I glanced around, recognizing some parts of it.

    I've obviously been here before, multiple times. But given the situation and circumstances, things looked different. Nothing really was that different, nothing was out of place. It just gave off an entirely different feeling to things. Since I could not speak, my mind was chattering loudly- taking in parts of the castle.

    The old, stone walls- grey bricks carefully stacked upon each other. Hanging braziers strung by chains on the stone hooks protruding out the walls. Intricate designs carved on its mouldings.

    Each enormous window we passed by displayed the gorgeous and well-manicured yard. The green trees outside were as large as a small house, and their branches shadowed the ground beneath them, creating a cool shade to frolic around. That was my favourite spot to read with Althea.

    Sculpted bushes scattered all across the lawn. The gorgeous rose maze standing in the corner- that maze was Princess Eady's prized possession. Thea and I used to run around in them so many times, getting lost for hours until a guard or maid- and maybe the gardeners- had to come look for us.

    The vast stone floors were strewn with rushes. Torches hung on the walls between pillars with braziers sitting on top. None of which were currently lit yet. Carefully carved designs stood by the body of the pillar.

     Tapestries full of vibrant colours were hung on the walls. Metal hoops sewed into them, shining brightly under the sun's rays that were bouncing off of them. A glowing golden streak was shining through the air, beautifully tinting the colours spread across the tapestry.

    "Get her injured shoulder treated," someone ordered.

    I threw a glare at the guard who was handling the rope after he roughly tugged me around a corner. Was enjoying the view of the outside world- before being thrown in the dungeon, might I add- a crime?

    I was led to the hospital wing. I caught sight of a few guards getting their shots which I knew was necessary in the castle. I heard that those shots give you an incredible amount of energy.

    "Please sit," a timid female voice said.

    I sat down on the white stiff bed and watched her grab some tools behind her. She took a cloth of some sort and cleaned my wound. I bit down on the cloth in my mouth, not wanting to show any signs of weakness. It bloody stung.

    A few moments later, she bound it up. "All done," she said with a small smile. "It's alright, you needn't to talk."

    I wanted to tell her that I couldn't even if I wished to, but I only gave her a nod. I would smile to thank her, but that too was not possible. Consarn you, Zyron. She was oddly nice even to a 'lawbreaker'.

    "Let's move," a guard huffed, trying to drag me out of the infirmary. He continued to make it difficult for me to walk, and treated me like I was an animal on a leash. Bescumber him.

    We were walking down a hallway outside. After a few more painful strides, I saw these ugly stairs leading down to- oh, of course it was the dungeon.

    Heading down the steps, a disgustingly pungent smell floated its way into my nostrils. So bad, in fact, I swear it had singed my nose hairs.

    We halted by the large door. I watched as a scrawny guard unlock the door and shove it open. Almost instantly, the horrid smell got worse and wafted through the air, almost punching me with how badly it stunk. And I thought the previous stench was horrible enough!

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