Chapter 1: The Transference

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Author's Note:

Summoning America is a derivative work of Summoning Japan (aka Nihonkoku Shoukan) and reflects one of my first attempts at writing. If you're looking for something with significantly higher quality and an original setting, please check out Manifest Fantasy.

Manifest Fantasy is now available on RoyalRoad! Expect much better writing quality overall, from plot to character development. I know a lot of you are GATE fans as well. Manifest Fantasy is NOT a GATE fanfiction; it is an original piece. It'll be quite the breath of fresh air compared to GATE and Nihonkoku Shoukan themselves, so I think you all will enjoy it. I will be uploading new chapters once every two weeks. Summoning America updates will remain consistent.

Manifest Fantasy:

Check out my discord server for updates, announcements, and discussion for my stories!



Washington D.C.

April 17, 2021; 48 hours before the Transference.

"Mr. President!" A young and wide-eyed aide burst into the office, momentarily shattering the quietude.

Thomas Lee, newly inaugurated as the President of the United States, glanced up from a pile of economic reports. His gaze was sharp and youthful, reflecting his unique position as one of the youngest presidents in United States history. He didn't miss the alarm in the aide's voice and braced himself mentally. "Yes? What's the matter, Steven?"

"Sir, NASA just discovered a large storm developing over Hawaii! It's like nothing we've ever seen!" Steven gasped out. The tremor in his voice suggested he was struggling to grasp the reality of his own words.

Lee rose from his chair, curiosity burning in his eyes. "Whoa, slow down, Steven." He scrutinized his aide, trying to parse the fear in the younger man's face. "Why am I just hearing about this now?"

"The storm, seems to have spontaneously appeared." Steven managed to slow his breath, his words gaining more structure. "NASA should be calling you momentarily; one of their meteorologists will brief you about the emergency."

Before he could add anything further, the sharp ring of the presidential hotline cut through their conversation. Lee strode over to his desk, a bead of anxious sweat forming along his forehead. He picked up the receiver, his grip firm. "President Lee speaking."

"Mr. President," a voice replied, its calmness in stark contrast to the earlier panic. It was a voice trained to keep its cool in a tempest. "I'm Dr. Jenny Pollan, lead meteorologist at NASA. I'm sure Steven has filled you in on the storm developing over Hawaii. We're currently classifying it as a Category 2, but the situation is rapidly evolving. We've already advised the local residents to take immediate shelter."

Lee sat down, listening intently as he tried to grapple with the emerging disaster. Dr. Pollan continued, her professional demeanor veiling the urgency of the situation. "This storm has a growth rate far surpassing our worst recorded disasters, from Sandy to Katrina. It's also expanding at an unprecedented rate and will soon cover a significant percentage of the globe's surface. The projections suggest it's moving toward California and will make landfall by tomorrow."

President Lee blinked, his mind reeling. He was no stranger to crises, but the scale of this one was unfathomable. "That doesn't make any sense..." He muttered, trying to wrap his head around the terrifyingly swift timeline. "How could a storm move so quickly?"

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