Chapter 80: Blitzkrieg

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Author's Note: Follow my Instagram: sebbyclee


March 29, 1641
Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire
Nivles Castle

Navigating through a labyrinth of brightly lit hallways, Emperor Gra Lux strutted toward the northern wing of the complex, where the Department of War had its main offices. Four Imperial Guardsmen followed closely behind him, their steps perfectly synchronized with each other. Gra Lux soon found himself standing before a set of ornate wooden doors, decorated with nothing but a simple sign that said 'Gra Valkas Empire Department of War'. Two of the Imperial Guardsmen opened the door for him and he entered, being immediately greeted by reverential bows from his subjects.

He scanned the room and its occupants. Senator Guinea Marix – the head of the War Committee – as well as other prominent war hawks were present, as were the Three Great Generals and their closest assistants. Standing together, Siegs, Mirkenses, and above all – Caesar – represented the three brightest strategic minds in the entire empire. Beside the legendary trio was a man who he considered the most important individual in the room aside from himself and his generals: Director Morius Akkan from the Bureau of Intelligence. Without him, the brilliant plans drawn up by the Trio of War could never have existed.

Gra Lux's eyes fell on Akkan, who showed no reaction. "Fall Albus was scheduled to commence two weeks ago, delayed by insurgent sabotage. Director Akkan, I trust that you bring me good news?"

Akkan stared straight at the wall, responding emotionlessly, "Your Excellency, my agents have managed to apprehend almost thirty men connected to the initial attack. Our interrogations have thus far yielded fruit; we have identified a possible person of interest: an individual named Malero."

Gra Lux gave a satisfactory nod. "Good. I will partition additional resources for your cause. Have you managed to secure any information on further sabotage plans?"

"Indeed we have, Your Excellency," Akkan grinned internally. With sensations of pride swelling within him, he reported confidently, "Already, we have foiled two of their plots and raided one of their safe houses. This will place them on the defensive and should buy us enough time to complete Fall Albus."

"You shall be rewarded generously for your accomplishments, Director."

Akkan bowed, thankful for the Emperor's gift.

Gra Lux then set his sight on the Trio of War. "General Mirkenses," he said, "What is the progress of our deployments?"

Mirkenses bowed, "Your Excellency, our patrols have secured all routes to the border. All units are in position for the commencement of Fall Albus, with reinforcements close behind. General Kinley is ready to move the 8th Army at your command."

"See to it that he does. Ensure that he has not grown overconfident from our victories over Leifor. Although Hinomawari has but a fraction of Leifor's power, we mustn't be careless."

"It shall be done, Your Excellency."

"And Director Akkan, what is the status of your assassins?"

Akkan responded, "My Sicarius operatives have made their way into the country, and are now determining the locations of their leadership."

"Good," Gra Lux said, troubled by a minuscule anxiety. "If they discover anything anomalous, report it to myself and to General Kinley immediately." He then turned his attention to Caesar, "Admiral Roland, what is the status of your Navy?"

"Your Excellency, the First, Second, Fourth, and Seventh Assault Fleets have completed their resupply efforts from Magikareich and our Conshal bases. The First and Second Assault Fleets have already moved to enact military exercises along Mu's eastern coasts."

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