Chapter 46: American Diplomacy

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American Sea, 300 Miles West of California

A constant rumbling shook the chassis of the Type 35 passenger jet as the Mirishial aircraft fought through heavy turbulence. The ethereal hum of the magical machinery within the craft emanated through the cabin, providing ambient background noise. This sound was at first distracting, but dozens of flights helped the Mirishial delegates to tune out such noises.

A plump man cleared his throat as he reviewed documents about the United States of America. Taking his duties seriously, he only paused when a chime sounded throughout the cabin, signaling an announcement from the pilot. "Minister Phiam, I've just received a manacomm message from the Americans! They are requesting that we remain on our current flight path and accept the escorts they're sending."

"Escorts?" Phiam spoke into the miniaturized manacomm set around his head. "Well, let's do as they say. We wouldn't want to make a distasteful first impression."

"Understood, Minister. I will relay your wishes to the Americans."

Satisfied, Phiam paid no further heed and returned to his studies. Curious about what escorts he could possibly see, he analyzed the documented data on American aircraft. Although they were often likened to Mu's aircraft, Phiam saw no resemblance between their common designs. The only characteristic that the American planes shared with those of Mu was that they are mechanical in nature. He read further, finding that numerous rumors claimed the American planes could travel faster than sound.

His ego felt challenged by this possibility. Science somehow surpassing magic? This was preposterous, he thought. Despite that, Mu's rapid innovations and the Parpaldian Empire's quick dissolution suggested otherwise. He looked up from his papers, finding Rydorka seated across from him. "Say, Rydorka. You're quite famous for predicting the extent of military technology of foreign nations. Do the rumors of 'supersonic jets' seem reasonable?"

Rydorka rubbed his pointy ears, pooling together hundreds of years' worth of knowledge to answer the Minister's question. Before he could answer, a mighty gust of wind rattled the plane. An announcement from the pilot then followed, pointing out that the escorts finally arrived. In silence, they watched as two sleek silver machines soared upward, disappearing out of view before returning to the Type 35's sides. Looking out the window, Rydorka saw the pilot of one of these planes wave at him, which he returned.

"I suppose that should answer your question, Minister."

Phiam nodded slowly, his mind still coming to the realization that the rumors are indeed true. "I suppose it does. Well then, it seems that I need to reevaluate my strategy, now that they've proven themselves to be advanced."

"Had they not done so during the interview with MNN?" Rydorka asked.

"Their goods were of high quality, but did not reflect much about the extent of their technology. I was impressed by their bombers, but I suspect that even Mu could develop such weapons, given a few years. Overall, I gleaned no surprises from that interview — only a few slightly impressive notes."

"I see," Rydorka said. He looked out the window as their craft descended, intrigued by the overwhelming diversity of ships below. Separated by lighted buoys, the ships adhered to lanes corresponding to their level of technology. Organized lines of sailing ships, steamships, and American cargo vessels cluttered up the harbor, demonstrating the quick revitalization of the American economy.  "We're about to land soon," Rydorka pointed out, his gaze catching the large field of immense airliners below.

Summoning AmericaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang