Chapter 34: The Imperial Army's Defeat

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November 12, 1639
Le Brias

Explosions tore through the already ravaged streets of Zone Four as a firefight between Altaran units and Parpaldian stragglers ensued. The Americans, after helping clear out most of the Imperial Army, returned to their embassy with no losses. Some Altarans noticed this, feeling abandoned and forced to bear the burden of urban combat, but realized it was relatively justified. It was only fair that the Americans leave the dirty infantry combat to the Altarans; after all, they had eliminated the Parpaldian land dragons. After all, this was the Altarans' own city.

Captain Rial was among those who felt betrayed by this course of action. Although he recognized the honor in allowing the Altarans to take back their own city after the Americans had done most of the work, this also meant more Altaran casualties. Without American equipment, more soldiers had to be deployed, including magicians.

He was assigned to secure a crossroad with a contingent of his Elite Guard along with a few mages. At first, he was more than eager to demonstrate the abilities of his men and of his proud nation, but all feelings of pride and honor were cast aside when he noticed a familiar green-eyed brunette. Standing tall with her staff, she seemed ready for the upcoming battle, but also nervous.


"Captain Rial," she said, her eyes lighting up.

Rial gave a comforting smile, although his internal feelings were in turmoil. "You ready?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright. Just stay close to me," he said.

He pushed away the doubt and worry from his mind as he pushed up to a building, clearing it. Shamefully, he ordered his men to go ahead, fearing that he could lose Alina if he had gone first. His men cleared the building with no issues then moved on as Rial set up a sniper nest. Using his binoculars, he scanned the area and found a musket barrel peeking through a window in a building across the street.

"Alina, hit that building with a flare, then a smokescreen."

He marked the location and in seconds, a bright light flashed in front of the windows. Groans of pain shouted from the building, prompting Rial to order his unit to push it. As the Altarans sprinted across the street, a smokescreen enveloped them, obscuring them from any potential gunfire.

Sounds of combat then erupted as his Elite Guard dispatched the incapacitated and confused Parpaldians holed up in the building. Alerted by gunfire, a fresh platoon of Parpaldian infantry rushed out from the library to support their comrades.

"Wait for them to get to the middle of the road..."

Rial tossed a satchel of magic gems at the center of the Parpaldian crowd. "Alina, now!"

Alina pointed her staff at the satchel, sending a fireball flying toward it.

A devastating explosion took out most of the Parpaldians, granting them a quick and painless, but overall gory death. Those who survived found themselves on the floor desperately trying to return fire, but unable to find their assailants hiding within the buildings. It became every man for himself as the survivors scrambled toward any cover they could find, leaving behind comrades missing limbs and covered in blood. They were executed mercilessly by the Altarans, who saw the opportunity to exact revenge against Parpaldian injustices perpetrated upon them in the past.

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