Chapter 128: Rising Dragons

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November 12, 1640
Washington, D.C.

After nearly a week of bureaucratic back and forth with the Gra Valkans, President Lee and the men and women serving in his cabinet were finally able to breathe sighs of relief upon the successful de-escalation of the Noralshian Strait Crisis. The Gra Valkan representative, Cielia Oudwin, did well to hide her delaying tactics, but found it difficult to prolong the blockade further. As negotiations wrapped up, the Gra Valkan ships dispersed and allowed the American convoy to pass. President Lee and the various State and Defense officials in the room collectively smiled, celebrating the peaceful resolution.

"... and in response we have agreed to redirect shipping away from the Conshal Islands. This means that our delayed convoy will be able to proceed to Mu, but future convoys will have to take a slightly longer route," an aide summarized.

President Lee nodded, "Thank you, Steven." Lee then turned to the Director of National Intelligence, Allen Fitch, "I believe you've finished the report on Gra Valkan internal politics?"

"Mister President," Fitch prepared a file, "Our analysis indicates that most of the Gra Valkan leadership adamantly oppose dragging us into the war. However, a militaristic faction known as the 'Hawks' do not share the same sentiment. The Hawks comprise over half of the Gra Valkan senate and likely a greater percentage of their military. Their civilian population also has a large number of Hawks, but it is difficult to determine the extent of their support. Overall, we believe that these Hawks might be outraged by the decision to destroy the rogue ship of ultranationalists in the Noralshian Strait." Having finished the summarization of the situation in the Gra Valkas Empire, Fitch passed the baton. "Director Klein," he nodded at the Director of the CIA.

Klein cleared his throat before explaining, "I've managed to obtain several assets among sympathizers within the Gra Valkan government. Most of them are peace activists – Doves – who disagreed with the Gra Valkas Empire's hegemonism on Yggdra, and therefore they have little influence or power. However, they do regularly keep eyes on the activities of their rivals, the Hawks. It appears that some of the Hawks have begun to congregate in secret to express their discontent over Gra Lux's actions."

Lee crossed his arms, finding this revelation worrying. "If they get a hold of the Gra Valkas Empire, it might be much more difficult to get them to surrender... Do we know if they're planning anything definitive?"

"Unfortunately sir, we're still working on a plan to eavesdrop and infiltrate. However, we do know the people who are involved: big shot politicians like Guinea Marix — head of the Hawks, and some high-ranking officers like General Siegs." Klein's unbiased commentary gave way to a more opinionated analysis as he tried to make sense of the situation, "It's possible they may be planning a coup, but I honestly can't see how they can pull something like that off without the support of leaders like War Chief Pastall or Admiral Caesar."

"Hmm," Lee gave Klein's theory some thought, "Could we somehow use this to our advantage?"

"It's hard to say," Fitch commented, "It's possible we can make the Gra Valkans more open to negotiation by getting rid of these Hawks, but we would need to procure or fabricate substantial evidence that they are indeed plotting to overthrow Emperor Gra Lux. If there is a successful coup attempt, then your worries might come true: it'll be much more difficult to get the Hawks to surrender and we might even have to land troops on the Gra Valkan mainland."

Lee nodded, "See what you can do about it, and gather up information on the Emperor. If he truly does not want to fight us, then he might make a valuable asset when it's time to negotiate terms."

"I'll get every last detail down, sir," Fitch said.

"Moving on," Lee said, turning to Secretary of State Gordon Heiden, "I read your report on establishing relations with a new civilization in my morning debrief. The Oni, was it?"

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