Chapter 45: Gra Valkan Diplomacy

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HMS Galatine
En Route to Leiforia

Embarking on a naval voyage from the Holy Mirishial Empire to Mykal, a port city in Mu, Minister Siwalf watched the light above swing around as he reviewed documents pertaining to the Gra Valkas Empire. Seated across from him was Zammas, an intelligence officer from the Mirishial Bureau of Information. He shook his head in disbelief as he continued to read the documents.

"Heavens..." he said with a tired voice. "Minister, what do you think of this," Zammas put his finger on one of the documents, turning it sideways so both of them could read. "It says here, under military capability, that 'The Gra Valkas Empire is known to have ships similar to Holy Mirishial Empire Mithril-class battleships.' Furthermore," he continued, moving his finger down toward a section dedicated to Gra Valkas aerial capabilities, "It says here that my department has discovered mechanical aircraft with much greater performance than those of Mu's Marin. I don't quite agree with the following analysis, but it is an opinion that some of my colleagues share. Apparently, they believe that these Gra Valkan aircraft can outperform even our Alpha-3 fighters!"

As Zammas spoke, Siwalf followed closely, rubbing his chin as he took in the words spoken by the proud Mirishial across from him. A brief pause preceded Siwalf's reply. "Hmm," he finally began, "Our Mithril-class ships are fairly new... Would this mean then that the Gra Valkas Empire has a similar technological level as us? At least in terms of their Navy."

Zammas shrugged. "It may appear to be the case. Although they seem to have amassed quite a number of these Mithril-class equivalents. We haven't amassed such a great number due to the relative peace of our time, but given our preparations for the return of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, I believe that we can easily match their number of Mithril equivalents within three years."

Siwalf spoke hesitantly, thinking of a reasonable estimate for the Gra Valkan Navy's total ship count. "That assumes their entire Navy is about twice the size of the fleets we see at Leifor's harbors."


"Then, we must conclude that the Gra Valkans are a potential threat, at least until we build our military sufficiently. Hmm, is Pasha cleared to review this information with us?"

"Yes, he is."

"Excellent. I think an additional perspective may prove enlightening," Siwalf said.

After a couple minutes, a young Elven man arrived, giving a slight bow to his superiors. "Mister Zammas. Minister Siwalf," he greeted them.

"Pasha, please have a seat. Zammas, show him the alleged capabilities of the Gra Valkan military."

Zammas complied, reciting the same key points that he had shown to Siwalf. Pasha frowned, his eyes widening in surprise. He quickly returned to a neutral expression, refraining from allowing emotions to cloud his judgement.

"If this information is true," Pasha said, "Then we find ourselves with a serious predicament to our west. A nation with their attitude likely would have been emboldened by Leifor's quick surrender..."

Siwalf nodded, "That is a most unfortunate truth, and I must navigate carefully. Bringing the Galatine as a show of strength is a good idea, but I fear it may not be enough to deter them." Siwalf began to tap his finger on the table, a habit of his which signified anxiety. "Of course, it's impossible for them to defeat us, but we can take some losses from them. Additionally, their proximity to Mu is a heavy risk. It is possible that they mount a ground invasion faster than we can send our fleets to provide support."

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