Chapter 68: Wonder Weapon

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February 25, 1640
Helheim Islands

Plumes of dark smoke belched from an otherwise dormant volcano, darkening the skies above. An ominous, foreboding atmosphere surrounded the mysterious island chain as arcane energies manifested within concrete facilities. Arcs of lightning flashed overhead, drawn toward a pair of silver rods sticking out from the volcano's peak.

Built into the side of the volcano, a Gra Valkan research facility conducted secret experiments using magic gems. Amidst a labyrinth of hallways and rooms, one viewing platform stood out. Placed under the lightning rods, it allowed for a view of the rocky exterior and the lands beyond, as well as a view of the volcano's smoldering internals.

Tracking the results of the current experiment, a team of scientists operated recording devices while a tall, lab-coated Aryan watched. Armed with striking features and a keen intellect, he represented the head of the Gra Valkas Empire's magical research operations. Having completed his work on their atomic bomb, he was reassigned to the Helheim Islands to work on a new wonder weapon: the lightning gun.

Standing by his side, a robed mage from the Magikareich Community stared at the immense show of power with an open mouth. "By the heavens, Lord Braun, you certainly didn't jest when you claimed to possess greater understanding of the philosophies than the Muans."

The lead scientist ignored the compliment, his priorities set elsewhere. "So, was this demonstration sufficient in convincing you?"

"It certainly was, Lord Braun. I hope you'll be satisfied to know that I shall return to the Magikareich Community with stellar recommendations, provided you share some of this research and all the prerequisite material necessary to understand it."

Lord Braun suppressed a frown. Although he and his superiors wanted Magikareich knowledge on magic technology, they didn't want to exchange too much sensitive Gra Valkan technology for it. Braun nodded in reluctance. The Magikareich proposal wasn't ideal, but it was acceptable. "Very well. Please send my regards to the High Council and the Dean."

The robed mage left without another word, leaving only the crackling of electricity and the monotonous hum of machinery to fill in the silence. Satisfied with the deal they struck, Braun returned his attention to the ongoing experiment. Reflecting on the project itself, he looked at a document placed on the table before him: Project Mjolnir.

The lightning gun was a new wonder weapon designed to fire a directed bolt of lightning at a target. Once deemed impossible, new discoveries in the field of magic — particularly the ability to control fundamental properties — allowed for the development of this new wonder weapon. Using magic to create an electromagnetic tunnel, lightning bolts could be directed at targets much like how a gun barrel directs a bullet. The practical applications of the weapon itself were questionable, with the primary use as a possible counter to American electronic equipment. Despite a shaky incentive for building this weapon, the project nonetheless represented a scientific foundation for the study of magic. Even if the lightning gun proved to be ineffective, the lessons learned from channeling magic and manipulating the environment using magic could usher in a new age of technological advancement.


February 27
Avest, Magikareich Community

The Magikareich capital city, much like those of other Elysian nations, was a consolidation of the government's wealth and power. Blending the practical functionality of Muan cities and the beautiful aesthetics of Mirishial cities, Avest was the pinnacle of combined magic and scientific technologies. They coveted knowledge, so much so that their form of government was a council consisting of intellectuals: professors who each managed a state.

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