Chapter 57: Princely Arrival

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February 4, 1640
San Diego, California

Prince Cabal looked down at the scenery below, watching the escorting American jets with great intrigue. Looking out of the windows of his own private jet — a new passenger airliner developed by Gra Valkan defense company Orsen — he saw a glimpse of the future of jet technology. The sleek, angular jets themselves were much more advanced versions of Orsen's OR-262 fighter-bombers, which are slated to replace Carsline's Antares fighters by the end of the decade.

Sparks of blue exhaust flew from the backs of the fighters, their engines wedged in between two sets of extraneous wings and integrated into the jet's airframe. In comparison, the OR-262s had their engines tucked under their wings. As a graduate from the Imperial Academy of the Sciences, he found interest in the difference in design. He called out to the chestnut-haired young man sitting across the walkway, who was studying the aircraft as well. "Mister Naguano."

He turned away from the window to face the prince. "Yes, Your Highness?"

"What do you make of the aircraft design?" He asked. "The engines inside the frame; the swept wings; the tails."

"Well," Naguano said nervously, "The engines being inside the frame certainly helps to reduce drag. The swept wings are something that we're still working on, especially with airflow and our dynamics calculations. The tails look like they're there for added stability. All in all, I hate to say this, but —"

Cabal interjected while Naguano paused, sensing that he was unsure about sharing his opinion. "It's okay, Naguano. You can speak freely."

Naguano gave an appreciative smile as he spoke his mind, "Thank you, Your Highness. Frankly speaking, I believe it's clear that this civilization surpasses our own, in terms of technology. It rather scares me how sophisticated that design looks, even from this distance." The fighters continued to fly beside the Gra Valkan airliner.

"Hmm, yes. I had my doubts, but seeing it in person is much different than what the video showed us..." Cabal remarked. "As a proud Gra Valkan, I regret having to admit this, but I agree with your assessment.

"It's wise to be humble, Your Highness," Naguano said.

Cabal once more found great reason with Naguano's words. He took the wisdom to heart, agreeing with it. "Yes, yes indeed," he said, looking outside the window as the plane began to descend.

Clouds parted to reveal the city below: airports filled to the brim with airliners as large as or even larger than the Guti Maun, their dedicated super-bomber; seaports bustling with ships of all makes, from wooden sailing ships to massive American cargo ships; and glass skyscrapers reminiscent of Ragna, sparkling for all the Elysian natives to see. Several warships patrolled the shores, guarding against piracy and sea monsters. He also noticed a carrier with hundreds of small figures walking above decks, and a long line formed outside. Quickly deducing this construct to be a museum, Cabal made a mental note to visit.

He stopped himself, realizing that he barely knew the schedule. Curious, he left his seat and ventured toward Gesta, Cielia, and Dallas. As usual, Dallas was lazing about, half asleep in his seat while Cielia and Gesta discussed diplomatic strategies for the Americans.

Seeing Cabal walk up to them, Cielia ceased her conversation, standing up and bowing. Under the table, she kicked Dallas, who immediately shot up when he realized that the prince was in front of him. "Your Highness," they greeted.

Cabal put his hand out, gesturing for them to sit back down. "How goes the strategizing?"

Gesta answered, "It's going well, Your Highness. In fact, we've just finished going over the framework. We decided to wait for more information before laying out the details."

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