Chapter 98: Data Core

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Nahanath Territory

Massive screens mounted around the dining hall flared to life as the rocket began preparations for liftoff. Speakers relayed the communications from within the control center and the shuttle itself. The men and women coordinating the launch went on about flight checks and sequences as an announcer counted down.

External chatter quieted down as the announcer approached zero. "T-minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. Liftoff!"

The leaders of Elysia watched with a variety of emotions – awe, curiosity, defeat, horror – as the massive construct unleashed a storm of fire and smoke from its engines and began its ascent. It soared to the heavens, soon disappearing from sight as it climbed higher and higher into a realm once known only to the gods themselves. The unshakeable rumbling in the distance shook the Elysian onlookers, who trembled as goosebumps began to form on their skin. The few Dragonian guests reacted similarly, despite having been informed of what to expect. Instead of goosebumps, their scales changed to a brighter hue.

Prince Cabal had seen the spectacular display before, on the introductory video shown Gesta's people by the Americans. Yet, it was not enough to shake the feeling of insecurity that washed over him. He felt small, knowing that there existed a vast expanse up there that he was unable to access. He also felt powerless, knowing that the Americans possessed unimaginably advanced technologies that further diminished his father's dreams of conquest. He only hoped that he would not be blind enough to ignore this, and would cease his greedy expansion while they had not yet drawn the ire of the Americans.

Curious about how everyone else was handling the insane demonstration, he glanced at the other guests. His own cohort seemed to be taking the news well, aside from Dallas, who looked like he was on the verge of fainting. Cielia and Gesta both shared defiant looks of determination, although a gut feeling suggested that they were determined for different reasons.

Most of the other guests looked like they had seen incredible magic. He recognized this expression; it was the same one plastered across the faces of the Pagandans, Irnetians, Leiforians, and other natives they had come across. It was also the same expression that he wore when first encountering American technologies and visiting their mainland.

Unlike the others, the Muans diverged from this shocked reaction. Rather, they seemed to be enthusiastically engaging in conversation with a group of Americans, one of whom wore a pin with a 'SpaceX' logo on it. Grateful to have such a powerful ally supporting them, they expressed their thanks to the Americans and discussed science with them.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Mirishial delegation bore expressions of concern as they talked with some Americans, who seemed to be explaining something to do with the launch. Watching the expressions of the Mirishials shift from concern to downright fear bothered Cabal. Unlike him, who was concerned about the growing influence of the United States, the Mirishials had nothing to worry about considering the fact that they are allies. What could possibly have frightened the Mirishials?


Armstrong Space Center

President Lee stood in the center of the control room, watching the live feeds from the shuttle as it approached a derelict satellite.

"No visible weapons platforms," one of the astronauts said. "Signal is a match to the beacon and getting stronger."

The shuttle drifted toward the structure, adjusting course using thrust vectoring. Nozzles placed around the shuttle spouted air, seamlessly guiding it into position and slowing it down until it came to a relative stop, matching the orbit of the satellite. The two objects drifted in space, circling the planet below while the astronauts aboard the shuttle prepared to analyze the object.

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